3 months already! This still feels new to me, but then on the other hand, it’s become so ingrained now that I can’t imagine not blogging.
I’ve published 94 posts and had over 1100 comments now. I’m continuing to love Twitter and Pinterest, pop over to Facebook, have discovered the joys of Instagram and am starting to get to grips with Google+ – still a bit unsure on the last one! Klout and Kred are words I now know – it’s a whole new world, isn’t it?!
I find it very difficult to explain to people the point of doing this. Other bloggers, I’m sure, will understand it, but we’re in the minority. It’s brilliant to feel a part of a friendly community, and now that I’ve been going a fair few weeks, I’ve built up regular readers. I enjoy sharing our activities, any thrifty tips, any knowledge at all really, that can help others or a post that can be identified with or smiled at. It’s good to make that difference.
It’s torn me in a few different directions on my mummy duties. As regular readers will know, I run my business from home, look after the children full time and now I blog. It all has to fit in somewhere, and whilst I try to do most of it of an evening, I do spend some time reading other blogs in the day. It tends to only be when Little Man is napping (he’s one – there is no way I can get anything else done when he is awake!), and Boo is either at pre-school or happily watching a movie or painting – she tends to do want to do both within that nap-time window every time on her days at home! In any case, these moments of downtime when I blog or am social media distracted are within certain confines, and I believe that the plus-side far outweighs this. At least I hope so.
I suppose the thing that I hadn’t considered when I set out on this new journey is what I’d take from reading other blogs and joining in with linkys. That has been a huge and unexpected delight. Reading about highs and lows, smiling at what people have been up to, the funny things children do, taking on board reviews of shops and products, and making a note of so many ideas of things to do with the kids.
The inspiration I’ve had to get out and do more with the kids has been fantastic. We now go to the park practically every day, we’ve explored more local parks and reserves than we’ve ever done, in just the last few weeks, and tried out so many new craft projects and recipes together. Our weekends are about getting out and about together and spending quality family-time, and every weekend has now become an adventure. And, oddly, we’re spending less, too! Most of these adventures we go on involve picnics, rambles, nature trails, playgrounds and wildlife, and these things are often free or very low-cost. We rarely go to shopping centres to while away an hour or two, as the park comes to mind first, and if you’ve read my recent post, A Moment’s Peace, you’ll know that this is infinitely preferable!
Along with this boost to our family time, I’m becoming more interested in photography, as I see some beautiful blogs out there (note, I say ‘more interested’, not ‘more adept’!), blogging about Project Garden has really developed my love of gardening, I’m appreciating the great outdoors and the season much more, and we’ve had some great days out and a few lovely items to review.
And I’m only 3 months in. I have a huge list of posts that I want to write, directions in which I’d like to take the blog and things that I’m looking forward to sharing with you. So, thank you. Thank you so much for reading, commenting, and welcoming me 🙂
Happy 3 month anniversary! Really interesting as I’ve been blogging for about the same time, a bit less I think. You sound like you have done so well and it’s obviously had a really good impact on your lives x
Nice to hear from a fellow 3-monther! And thank you x
Wow only 3 months? I thought you’d been blogging a lot longer! Happy 3 months 🙂
I’m a good way?!! Thank you x
You’ve taken to it like a duck to water on the pond at the park! 🙂 Keep up the good work, I still have no idea about Klout and Kred!
Ha ha – thank you! I do enjoy it so much. I know what they are but still not sure of how to influence them!
Happy anniversary!! I know exactly what you’ve been going through. Barely 4 weeks in and addicted, but it eats up all my time and changes my whole view on life! Keep the posts coming! 🙂
Thank you. Nice to hear from others slipping into this world! You, too 🙂
Hello from another newbie to blogging. Wow you should be very proud of all your posts and comments. What a great achievement in only 3 months. I really must pull my finger out and do more posts. How nice to read its changed your outlook on spending time with your family. And I agree that great things to do with the kids are often free. Best of luck x
Hello, fellow newbie! I’m really pleased with it, particularly the influence it’s had on family-life. Hope you’re enjoying it, too x
Happy 3 month anniversary! So glad you’re enjoying it and yes, it’s hard to explain to non bloggers isn’t it. But I agree, it’s opened up so many opportunities, inspired and motivated too. So even when I have an ‘I can’t be bothered’ moment, I usually think of the blogging/online community and it gets me going again.
Thank you! It is inspiring, and the blogging community is lovely and welcoming x
Wow, you should be really proud! I’ve been blogging since March but my post count way outweighs my comment count…haha, maybe that’s a sign I should just stop!
I really Iike reading your blog, keep up the good work!
No, don’t stop! If you enjoy it, keep on going 🙂 And thank you so much, that’s lovely to hear x
Only three months and you look like such a professional! I’m only one month in and still feel a bit out of my depth, but I know what you mean about the things you learn and the ideas you get from reading other blogs. 6 weeks ago I’d never read a blog in my life and now I actually can’t wait to get to the park tomorrow and try out your Wild Art idea!!
A professional?! I don’t feel it!! Really love it, though 🙂 So pleased you’re Wild Art inspired now – enjoy 🙂
I’m fairly new at blogging too and like you really enjoy it. It is difficult to fit into a busy family life but definitely worth it. Your blog looks fantastic by the way. x
It’s just another thing to fit in, but I find it well worth the effort. And thank you very much 🙂
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Not sure how I ended up on this post but I’m glad I did. Thought you’d been blogging a lot longer – always enjoy your posts lovely. Well done on your first 3 months. Not sure how we fit it all in!
Ah, thank you 🙂 It fits in as I love it so much, though not sure quite how!!
Wow you have done sooooooo well 🙂 keep up the good work hunnie x
Thank you!