As regular readers will know, I run my #BringBackPaper series here hoping to inspire and get more paper enjoyed, more letter writing taking place, more happy post being sent, more books shared around, more news on beautiful products, and simply more indulgence in pretty papery goods.
Books and stationery are my go-to pick me up treats. I’m always going to enjoy starting a shiny new notebook, settling down to write a few letters, covering envelopes in washi tape, or my first papery love and firm favourite, curling up with a good book. These things make me happy. They also help me to slow down, unwind, step away from screens and are very much my me-time. I think there’s a lot to be said for taking time out like this, when life’s so busy and geared towards tech. Obviously, I do spend a lot of time blogging and on social media, so for my own sanity, I like to switch off from it all regularly, and lose myself in paper.
I’m thinking I’m not the only one, and it might be that some of you are looking for new ways to switch off and relax this year. So here I’m sharing a few of my papery posts in the hope that they inspire you to try something new this year. Just click on the image and it’ll take you through to the original post and all the details. A new hobby awaits you!
Use a Bullet Journal
I started using a bullet journal back in June and now I simply wouldn’t be without it. This post serves as an introduction, and there are links within there to other posts I’ve written about it. Everyone should have one of these!
Start a Scrapbook
This one’s a guest post, and is something I’ve yet to try myself. Maybe this is the year!
Put Pen to Paper and Snail Mail
I do send a fair bit of snail mail out into the world, so if this one’s of interest, do search ‘Snail Mail’ in my search box up on the right there and you’ll find a fair few posts that should help you.
Keep a Gratitude Journal
I incorporate my gratitude journal into my bullet journal and I can’t imagine not doing this. It really does make you look back over your day, and even on the most ordinary or most difficult of days, you’ll find things to be thankful for. It is a happy notebook.
Get Back to Old Favourites
And I cannot possibly write a list like this without mentioning a couple more suggestions that need no explanations. Reading and colouring. Both so simple, both so relaxing and absorbing. Perhaps this is the year you set yourself a target to read so many books, get round to reading that series you keep meaning to try or perhaps you’re on the lookout for new author recommendations – always happy to chat books and help out there. Adult colouring is huge now and you can pick up colouring books just about anywhere, try Poundland, The Works, Amazon, supermarkets and so many more – grab one that you like the look of and get colouring.
Bonus suggestion! The Husband is himself taking up a new papery hobby this year, something that I might try to persuade him to write a post for me about at some point. He’s keen to try brush lettering, so I’m looking forward to seeing him getting into that, it’s so beautiful.
Will you be indulging in more paper this year?
I love colouring books and reading, I also have a bullet journal now and have read all your posts for tips. I’ve tried scrap booking but I feel I lack creativity, I may start snail-mailing a little more, I know I sent a couple of letters last year to friends and it was really nice. I think this year I may get even more papery, I might treat myself to some more stationary too. 🙂
I suspect I’d be the same with you with scrapbooking, probably why it’s the one I’ve yet to try on this list. Oh yes, definitely treat yourself to more stationery 😉
Ooh I love this, I would do them all if I could! I always fancied scrapbooking but I think Bullet Journal suits me so much better, I don’t mind drawing but I’m not very crafty so would probably get bored with a scrapbook. Reading and colouring though are the very best ones!
That’s what I’m thinking, too, but maybe one day! Ah, reading will always be my happy place x