I do love my happy mail here. I like writing to pen pals, receiving snail mail in return, and building those friendships over time. It does take time, you do need to keep writing to pen pals, so what if you don’t want to commit to a long term deal, but some fun, quick and easy happy mail projects? We all need those in our life!
Here are a few ideas for happy mail that you could send to brighten someone’s day and fulfil your need to post, easy happy mail projects to try today…
Happy Mail Projects
Send a Smile in the Post to Post Pals
I have done this before, and just writing this post reminds me that I want to do it again. I shared more about Post Pals here, it’s a charity dedicated to making seriously ill children and their siblings smile by sending cards, letters and little gifts in the post.
I struggle to think of a nicer reason to send happy mail.
Post a Postcard
It seems that wherever you go nowadays there’ll be postcards available to buy. So whether it be a day trip to a new city, stately home, zoo, or even just a stroll into your own town, there’s bound to be postcards there.
They don’t only have to be sent when you go on holiday – do people even do that now with texts, emails and WhatsApp?
Well anyway, a nice and easy bit of happy mail to send is a postcard. You know you won’t have to write much in the limited space, it could even be just ‘thinking of you’ and their address.
Post it to a friend or relative and make their day.
Pop a recently read and enjoyed book in the post
I read quite a lot of books. Sometimes when I read them I will think to myself ‘so-and-so would enjoy this’, so I pass it on to them.
I admit that I rarely think to post one out, mainly because I give a lot of my reads to my mum, but I think every once in a while I’m going to make a point of sending one on to a friend.
I know I’d be delighted to receive a surprise book in the post, and then there’s the idea that a friend will have thought of me to send it out. Just lovely.
Send an ‘I Care’ package
The chances are that there’s someone in your life at the moment who may be a little under the weather, having a bad week or even had a truly awful time of it.
Whatever the case, an ‘I Care’ package will no doubt be gratefully received by them. Of course what you choose to send can be dictated by what you know of the recipient, but perhaps things like sweets, a magazine, stationery, a tea bag or hot chocolate sachet, a colouring book, you get the idea.
Little cheer up items that can really make someone’s day that little bit brighter.
Write a letter to someone you don’t regularly pen pal with
How simple? A friend you don’t get to see that often, or even a mate you saw just last week.
An auntie you keep meaning to call? It doesn’t matter who, just grab a pen and paper and get writing. Make it newsy, filling them in on what’s happening with you or let them know something specific. Just write it.
Start a travelling notebook
This one’s a lot of fun, gives a pretty notebook a lovely purpose and you even get to receive happy mail yourself with this!
You send a notebook out into the world, perhaps just your country or globally, people fill it in one by one and then send it back to you. I shared How to Start a Travelling Notebook recently, so do pop over there for more details if you like the idea of this one.
What do you think? Have any of these happy mail projects tempted you? Will you be sending some happy mail out this week?
If you are looking for pen pals as well, do check out my Where to Find Pen Pals post and subscribe to my YouTube channel for #bringbackpaper inspiration.
If you’re new to Bring Back Paper, you can find out more about it all here. You can join our Facebook group here and you can sign up to join my mailing list below, for all the latest news, updates, ideas and activities.
Hi J. I love sending postcards. At the beginning of last year I sent a postcard to as many people as I could in the first couple of months. I think I may send a letter to somebody I don’t regularly correspond with, thanks for the reminder.x
You’re so very welcome, it’s nice to have the odd reminder, isn’t it? Enjoy x
I love these ideas and I admit I have done all of them.(except the notebook). But after your little reminder I shall do some more happy mail again.
Postpals is a brilliant charity. I’m glad you mentioned it to get it more attention.
I’m the same, I’ve done them all at some point, but it’s nice to have a reminder and send more! Glad you’re inspired to do so, and yes, I love Postpals.
ohhh you’ve just given me an idea…I’m off to cheer up a friend who has been poorly, especially as we’ve not managed to have our yearly meet up this year x
Ah, that sounds lovely, enjoy x
I wrote the letter to somebody I hadn’t been in touch with for a while. Perfect as she was in hospital for a little op so that was great.
AH, she’ll love that then x
The traveling notebook idea is so awesome! Back when I used to be a young teenager I had a dozen of snail mail pals from all over the world and we used to do something very similar but with index cards (so it wasn’t too bulky in the post and wouldn’t cost too much to send all over the world!) But id looove to do this now as an adult! I just didnt know how to even get started! So thanks tons for this! ♡
You are very welcome! Oh, the index card thing sounds like fun too!