9 Tips For Raising The Perfect Dog

This is a collaborative post

Most pet owners consider their dogs as their best friends. However, not all dogs are perfect. Few actually are. They all have weaknesses and behaviours to correct or address.

If you just got your dog and they’re new, now’s the time to train them. Don’t wait. Through all the licks and cuddles, a dog learns quickly what they can get away with. Be sure you’re doing the right things from the beginning. It’s never too early to start. If you train dogs later, it will be more difficult.

Training your dog isn’t always simple. Sometimes, the best tips for raising the perfect dog are to be patient, understanding, and kind to them as they are to you. While training can feel overwhelming, here is what you can do to make the experience as perfect as possible.

Use Treats for Training

Treats can be effective in training your puppy or dog. Use them to reward good behaviour and help your dog understand positive behaviour. Treats are also beneficial when teaching commands and other skills.

If your dog behaves well during walks by reacting nicely to other dogs or people, that also deserves a treat. Make sure you reward your dog for positive actions.

Feed Them High-Quality Dog Food

A balanced dog food diet is necessary when raising the perfect dog. Though many are raised exclusively on kibble, ensure that you supplement their meals with additional nutrients from fruits, vegetables, and meats.

There are many dog food diets available. Ensure you think about what you want to feed your dog and what you can afford. Choose from high-quality brands like Royal Canin dog food that your pets will love.

Positive Self-Esteem

Dogs have self-esteem. Let them work out problems themselves as best as you can. Do not micromanage or help them out too much when they try to learn something new. Give them a few seconds to work it out.

If they are confused, intervene and restart. This also applies to training your dog, such as the command ‘sit’. Do your best to let them figure it out.

dog lying on his back

Don’t Get Upset About Accidents

Potty training a dog is not always easy. Housetraining is a lifelong practice. Praise and reward your dog when it goes outside to pee. Let it know what is right.

In terms of what’s wrong, do not punish them if they have an indoor accident. They likely did so for a reason, such as a missed potty break or digestive upset. Any punishment your dog will not understand.

Have Rules and Limits

Give some thought to what rules and structures you want for your dog. Clarity and consistency are key. For example, teach your dog to wait patiently instead of jumping all over you when you come in.

Be sure to follow the rules, too. Dogs are bad at generalizing. Depending on your dog’s behaviour, you should reinforce simple rules with praise or discouragement.

Give Them Time to Learn

Dogs are smart, but some need time to learn. When you change their food, affection, or behaviour, it takes them time to adapt. They must learn, remember, and develop the skills to manage their inappropriate behaviours. Understand your expectations and be patient.

Schedule a Time for You and Your Dog

If you’re very busy, just like a child, you’ve got to schedule time to be and interact with your dog. Spending time with your dog strengthens the relationship, demonstrates affection, and relaxes it.

It can be just watching a movie on the couch, too. It does not need to be extravagant. This is how they know you’re their person.

Buy a Dog Crate

Dog crates are not for punishment. A dog crate is meant to be a dog’s private place of security, comfort, and quiet. If they don’t already have one, buy your dog an appropriately-sized crate and make it their safe place.

Size matters. A crate that is overly big could lead to accidents inside the space, or a crate that is too small is likely to feel cramped.

Schedule Them

Schedule feedings so they don’t overeat. Set timers for when to take them outside for potty breaks. When you set them on a schedule, your dog will understand what’s expected of them and fulfil that expectation.

A lack of a schedule can mean missing meals or bathroom breaks. This can mean a dog who doesn’t really know how to behave or what to expect day in and day out.

Disclosure: This is a collaborative post

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