OK, I think I have now adjusted to the thought that I have actually finished my degree. I have graduated. I have a 2.1. It has happened! So as this news sinks in, I thought it’d be good to have a look back on A332 with the Open University, my final module with them, which was ‘Why is Religion Controversial?’.
A332 was my favourite module of my degree. I have always enjoyed Religious Studies and I believe that this module is also on the History pathway as it fits within that subject, too.
The module is divided up into four books, and there were 5 assignments and an End of Module Assessment. Four of the assignments covered the four blocks and then the fifth was more of a preparation for the EMA, which I felt worked really well. At this stage in the course, I was already thinking about my EMA, so to be able to focus on it for the final assignment made sense and ensured that I had the time to give it the attention it deserved.
The chapters ranged hugely, all of course on areas considered to be controversial. From veiling to abuse within the Catholic church and from atheism to new age spirituality, and then religious figures, there was plenty to think on and explore. The thing that appealed most to me about this module is that it scheduled in weeks for independent research, so you could spend more time understanding the areas that had most interested you throughout the blocks. The assignments then expected you to evidence some of this further reading, and it was not only enjoyable to read more, but I also felt I was developing my skills through researching in this way.
This module does need to be approached from a scholarly perspective, as I’d imagine that subjectivity or strong religious convictions could make some chapters very challenging. But then that’s all part of the point of it, to challenge and to make you think. In my case, I found that I really engaged with at least two chapters of the four in each book, which was then enough to work with on each assignment. As I type this, I’m trying to decide whether I had a favourite book or subject, but I’m struggling to pick just one as so many interested me.
The tutorials were a mix of online and face to face, which worked for me. I prefer face to face tutorials, but appreciated that the online ones only took up an hour and a half of my evening after the kids went to bed rather than the face to face ones that took up half a day at the weekend once travel time was factored in. It was good to be able to do a bit of both, and I did attend every one for this module.
I am so pleased that I opted to study A332, as I wavered over this and a couple of other options. It was a really enjoyable final year and I am a little sad that it’s all over. Only a little, though, no more stressing over assignments and waiting on those scores!
You can read more about my Open University journey here.
Dear Jocelyn,
I recently came across your website, and was especially interested in your Open University journey. I´ve read all the posts pertaining it in one day. Maybe the reason behind my intensity is that I´m planning to study History in the near future, or just that I´m brainy/nerdy (for the humanities) and find great pleasure in immersing myself in all the details and intricacies of such journeys.
I would like to point out that I´ve also enjoyed your narrative style, it´s engaging and, strangely, made me feel cheerful.
I´m a foreigner and passionate about (the English) language, so I´m very happy I´ve learned some new words because of your texts.
I admire your outstanding time management and organizational skills, sense of balance, positivity and consistency. You´re a literary heroine! And also an example for your children, about whom you seem beautifully committed.
You certainly must feel most proud of yourself, as well as those around you.
In one of your posts you mention your husband´s encouragement; I celebrate so, because it´s due and not always happens.
Thank you so much for your lovely comments. I really enjoyed my degree journey, so I am glad that that comes through on my posts. The very best of luck with your studies.
Hello, I’m interested in this course, was too late to start last October unfortunately. I am keen to start and get ahead as doing this around another ou course, my 2 kids, full time work and am an independent parent! do you have your course books still and would you would be willing to sell if so please?
Hi Abi, it is a great course. Unfortunately I no longer have the books so I can’t help. Wishing you every success with it.