A Lovely Little Nature Walk

I shared a few weeks ago that the Husband and I now have a Polar Loop 2 each. That post details all of its features and what I like about it, so do pop over there for more information on it. At this stage, I am pleased to report that I do still wear it every day and I have been surprised by the fact that being white it hasn’t got dirty at all. I thought it might start greying or at least be getting a few marks on it by now, but it still looks a bright, clean white. The battery life remains good, I get around 5-7 days with it and then I sync it with my computer every two to three weeks to get a full activity picture.

Polar Loop 2

However, I had found myself getting rather complacent with the Polar Loop 2. I wear it every day and though I hate taking it off to charge it (what about the steps that I do that then don’t count?!), I had largely started relying on it as a watch. It is a nice watch, so that’s not a huge problem, but it really isn’t making the most of it, is it? But then last week I realised that actually it has made me make some changes that I hadn’t even realised I was making.

You see, I like to ensure I cover at least my 10,000 steps, but as this has become something that I manage daily, I’d stopped really thinking about it. Until it was half term and I no longer had a walk on the school run and there were a couple of days where we were home all day, with friends coming round. Then I realised that I wanted to move more.

It was this that inspired an impromptu stroll to the post box with the kids, something that we then turned into a nature walk.

posting letters

Our walk took in the flowers that were beginning to bloom, blossom on the trees, moss growing on walls and naming the trees that we spotted. The kids loved it and I reflected on how it had come about.

nature walk

We did not need to urgently go and post those letters, and if we had, we could have easily jumped in the car to do so. But the Polar Loop 2 seems to have sneaked into my subconscious and has made me more aware of the need to move and get a little exercise each day. So we had some fresh air, a fun and educational activity, the kids burned off a little of their seemingly endless energy and we all got some exercise. It can all only be a good thing, right?


Thanks, Polar, I do believe I’m getting there!

Now, if you’d like to win a Polar Loop 2, do pop on over and enter my fabulous giveaway!

Disclosure: Written in collaboration with Polar, though all words and opinions are my own

Sharing is caring!

1 thought on “A Lovely Little Nature Walk”

  1. Pingback: A Nature Walk, Thanks To My Polar Loop 2 - The Reading Residence

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