A Passion for Learning

I believe that I have a passion for learning. I liked school and now at my advanced age, I’m back there again by choice studying with the Open University.

Now that I’m doing my history degree, I’ve been surprised by the amount of people that I’ve spoken to who have said that they wish they’d done the same, too. It’s an interest that’s come to them later in life, when it has meant more than it did in the classroom.

I can understand that. With a subject such as history, living in a country richly surrounded with it, it can seep in and take root. A stroll around a National Trust home, a walk down a Roman road, a roam around a castle, all can spark an interest and make you want to delve further.

Tamworth Castle

What saddens me, is the tales of dull history lessons, less than enthusiastic teachers and distractions in the classroom all leading to people dismissing the subject earlier on in life. When I think back to my education, many years ago, I can relate and see how some subjects were brought to life whilst others were there to be endured.

My ‘A’ level Religious Studies teacher stands out the most, when I look back. We were covering the New Testament, a subject that could have been quite dry, but no, no, it was brilliant. She made the books come alive, invited debate, supplied us with sweets, and she’d help us to consolidate the learning by creating A3 puzzles and colouring in sheets  – yes, yes, it was an ‘A’ level! I believe we all passed it, too, as invested as we were in the course. I can still recall so much of it, with fond memories.

My daughter is still very young, at the start of her school life in year 1. She loves it, is happy to see her classmates and teachers every day and is like a little sponge. She wants to learn. I want to bottle her enthusiasm and keep it for her for the coming years and the seemingly inevitable dry subjects and teaching. When that time comes, I will look to help her better understand and enjoy it by seeking to bring the subject to life for her, or will consider additional support, such as Fleet Tutors.

I don’t want to give my kids the message that a good education is the be all and end all, as I don’t want to heap pressure onto their childhoods and I do also know plenty of very successful people who are where they are today through other skills and talents. But that said, I want them to be happy at school, I want them to give it their best and I want them to take all that they can from it. So I’ll be doing all I can to help them to develop a passion for learning.

Disclosure: Written in collaboration with Fleet Tutors

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4 thoughts on “A Passion for Learning”

  1. I totally agree. I loved learning so much and I always wanted to be a teacher to hopefully inspire children to love it as much as me. Sadly, the way the education system has gone it is getting harder and harder to do that, which is part of the reason that I left. It makes me sad because I still see and speak to the woman who taught me 25 years ago in year one, and who’s lessons I still remember vividly. Thankfully, Harrison seems to have inherited my love for school and learning!

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