An Impromptu Outing

It’d been one of those days. Not necessarily a bad one, just a fast one! I’d visited a potential school for Boo in the morning, while she had fun with Nanny and Grandad, we enjoyed a visit from my sister-in-law, lunch, Little Man napped, and before I knew it, it was 3.30pm. Generally speaking, Little Man waking at this time means cuddles and playtime in his room until 4ish, when we come downstairs, snack, play and I start getting dinner ready. So basically, winding down the day. But, this day was special. Why? This day was dry!

I’d been desperate to get them outside all day, but with one thing after another, it hadn’t happened. So I whisked Little Man up after his nap, they snacked in the car and we went out. Another reason we don’t tend to go out at this time is that the Husband comes home just before 5, so we like to be home for him and then our evening can start. Well, if we’re out, let him come to us 🙂 I called him, arranged for him to come straight to the park instead of home and surprise the children.

He, of course, is as much of a kid as them..

swinging family

It was lovely and impromptu. It also meant that as we were out later than normal, I had no time to cook any dinner, so on leaving the park, the Husband detoured and picked up fish and chips on the way home. Perfect!

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56 thoughts on “An Impromptu Outing”

  1. Brilliant what a fabulous surprise for the kids – they must have loved their Daddy appearing at the park. It looks like Daddy was having a fabulous time too! Lovely post, thank you so much for sharing with #whatsthestory

    1. Boo was over the moon! I’ve actually photographed the exact moment that she spotted him and her excitement is so funny and gorgeous to see. Thanks for hosting x

    1. Do you know, I hugely appreciate that aspect of our lives, as he’s here for dinner and bath-time with the kids and there’s time to play, too. We don’t take it for granted – I know it’s pretty rare x

  2. Oh I love that swing photograph! I can see Daddy Morkus being a big fan of this. And a perfect time to do it just before the clocks changed. Fish and chips is always a winner in my books.


  3. Ah, how lovely! I bet your kids’ faces lit up when their dad turned up to surprise them. What a great idea. Some of the best moments as a family are the impromptu ones I think – no pressure, no planning, just making the most of the moment! Glad you had such a good time.

    1. Boo was so excited to see him there!! It was lovely, and yes because it was unplanned, it could only be good 🙂

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