secondary school

Another School Year Over

With only a few more days left of term for my two, I can’t quite believe that we’re at this point with another school year over. 

It’s been Year 7 and Year 4 for my two. The first full year they have had in school since Year 4 and Year 1. It’s been good to see them complete the whole year at school. 

It was a big change for my daughter as she’s been at a new school this year, her secondary school days are now in full swing. 

It only seems like moments ago that I was attending her primary school leavers’ assembly and helping to set up her end of school disco, and here we are, fully adjusted to her new school life. 

I’d say that it’s been a year of ups and downs, secondary school has been a big change for her, and for me. 

I have seen her grow in independence and maturity and I have had to step back and shift my own parenting a little to give her that room to grow. 

The year has flown by. I think Year 7 is a tough year, as they all make their new friendships and adjust to be the littles in the school after being the oldest at their primaries. She also knew no-one else in her form group. 

My girl is at an all girls’ grammar school, so that’s a lot of girls, all with similar abilities to her, to adjust to and find her own way with.

The work has been a step up, as she has had to work in every lesson, there’s been no coasting! And of course, she’s got used to having more homework than she used to get at primary school. Fortunately, it’s still not that much, I am sure she’ll see it gradually increase over the years.

It’s been a learning curve, and she has handled it all. The social side, the workload and all of the change that came with it, from getting the bus to finding her way around her school. 

When I look at her now, I can see just how much she has grown and matured since this time last year. It’s a huge difference, she has changed a lot and I have loved seeing it all and being here for her. 

I am very proud of her, and I hope that she’ll settle quickly into Year 8. They will be mixing the teaching groups up so there will be another round of adjusting to new girls and new friendships. 

secondary school

My son is finishing up Year 4, and it’s been a good year for him. He’s really enjoyed it. 

He has liked his teacher and has done well all year, in both behaviour and effort and the standards of work he’s achieved. 

His end of year school report is great, with phrases like ‘a fantastic role model to his peers’, ‘treats everyone with respect and kindness’ and ‘a positive attitude towards everything’. He’s also absolutely fine with all of the work, he does well at school. I can ask no more of him. Oh, OK, maybe I could ask that I see some of this wonderful behaviour at home too? Any chance?! 

Along with school, he’s loved his after school activities this year and has then joined a local cricket club and a local football team. My shy introvert has been drawn out of his home and his shell by the lure of sports. His confidence has soared alongside his enjoyment of these activities and belonging to these teams.  

He’ll be turning 10 years old at the very end of the summer holidays and I can really see how much he has grown up over this past year. 

I see him with his friends at school, and then I see him easily making new friends at his sports clubs and I am very proud of him. 

My girl was supposed to be on a residential with school this week, but it cancelled just yesterday afternoon due to the weather warnings. Not the end of the year she was hoping for, but hopefully she’ll enjoy her last few days anyway. My son’s in primary school, so we all know he’ll be doing very little in his last week! 

And then roll on the end of term. I am looking forward to seeing them both unwind completely and make the most of the summer break, they’ve earned it. 

Sharing is caring!

2 thoughts on “Another School Year Over”

    1. It’s funny how doing all of the usual things again feels strange. They have thanks very much and you too! x

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