My Little Man starts school this year. This year. How can that even be?
When it was coming up to Boo starting school, I cried. A lot. I knew that she was ready for it, so that wasn’t a worry for me, it was more the feeling that she would no longer be all mine. That someone else would be teaching and showing her things. That I couldn’t be there all the time to protect her from anything life threw at her. That we could no longer do as we pleased, regardless of holidays and school runs. I wrote The Start of a New Chapter the day before her first day and reading it back now brings it all back so vividly.
But of course she went off to school and before I knew it, we were all used to the new routine and life ticked on until here we are already more than two years on. The time has flown by.
When Boo started, I revelled in my one to one time with Little Man, threw myself into watching him develop and thrive. His confidence has come on so much in this time, as well as his personality developing more and more all the time. I look back now at how shy he was back then and it’s a real pleasure to see how much more independent he is now. He’d still rather stick with me and he’s still unsure in some surroundings, but he seems so much more grown up now.
When our mummy/son time started, I thought to myself that I’d have to make the most of the three years I’d have at home with Little Man. We now have just a few months and I’m not too sure where the time went or what we did with it. I feel I haven’t made the most of it, that we could have fit in so much more. The weeks are passing by faster and faster now, we’re already nearly three weeks into this term and we’re just getting into the swing of things again. I think I’m going to need to book in day trips and play dates for us to ensure that they happen rather than the days slipping by us. I know spring then summer will soon roll around and I’ll be uniform shopping for him and taking him along to his settling in sessions.
Is Little Man ready for school? I guess he’ll have to be! He will be in the fortunate position of being an older starter as he’ll actually start school the day after his fifth birthday. I do think that being away from me and home all day every day will upset him, he is a real home-bod. I also think that, unlike his sister, school will tire him out in the early days. I’m glad that he’s my second child going through this so that I know what to expect and he’s very familiar with the surroundings. Boo talks about it all the time and they are both excited by the idea of both being together at school. I am sure that after a little while he will make good friends and he will adjust. I hope that he learns to love it as his sister does.
Am I ready for Little Man to go to school? My baby? No. It feels too alien a concept to me, to not have my little sidekick with me and to be at home five days a week without a small person to look after. I do have the two days he’s at nursery so that’s given me a taste for what it will be like, but I cram so much into those two days I barely even notice them! The good thing this time around is that I know the school, I know he’ll still be my Little Man and that won’t change. And those school runs are already ingrained in me!
Ah well, we’ve a few more months to pack some fun and cuddles in and I’ll be sure to let you know how he’s getting on after his summer sessions and then when he starts. But that’s ages away, right….?
My girls start September too but they turn 4 in June so seem so little to be going off. I am going to be lost and knowing that your last “baby” is going is extra hard x
It is, I know. We will be in it together! x
Oh I can’t believe it’s come round so so quick. Doesnt time fly eh? The first weeks are always so tough both physically and mentally and I think I was a bit in denial about Z starting. They do all settle in eventually but I hear you. This will be me completely when it’s time for E to go x
I know, it has gone by way too quickly! x
I never imagined my boy would be ready, this time last year. But the last few months have gone well, and he has really enjoyed school. But it is tough when it’s your baby. I did cry a week after school started because I missed our mummy-son days. xx
Good to hear he’s doing so well, gives my hope all will be well here. That’ll be me, no doubt! x