I am delighted to be welcoming Zoe onto the blog today, as she shares her journaling journey with us and there’s a papery prize up for grabs, read on…..
Hello! I’m Zoe of Zoeprose and The Mama Book – thankyou for having me Jocelyn – Bring Back Paper has inspired me a lot through the years. I have three little ones and even though I naturally love to write, for years I pushed journaling aside as something that was unproductive. There were always more important or more interesting things to do, but I’ve realised that the opposite is often true and there are so many benefits to stopping and putting pen to paper.
Journaling is a big fancy word. It can seem intimidating, especially if you’re not someone who naturally wants to sit down and write all the things (I am but not everyone is!). There are so many great ways to journal, to find a bit of mental space and have some down time to reflect on or plan life. But we can often over-complicate this in our heads and forget what makes it so helpful. Even now the phrase ‘journaling’ still conjures up images in my head of a perfect beautiful and peaceful place, quiet and time to write long form in great detail about things. However it’s very rare that this is the case and if you add motherhood in, it can easily seem like there’s simply not enough time in this season of life. However, I’ve found a simple way of reflecting on my day and the stage of motherhood that I’m in has so deeply affected my everyday life and my purpose. Here are just a few of the benefits of journaling.
1. It makes you slow down.
The act of journaling means putting down the phone, the internet, the work. Whatever else is going on has to stop whilst you put pen to paper. Whether you like to write long sentences about what’s on your mind or write a few positives from the day, you stop reacting to things externally (I find social media so distracting for this) and start to refocus on seeing life the way that makes sense for you.
2. It helps you to get your priorities straight
Whilst it might seem that taking time away from more productive or important tasks (especially as a busy mum) is counterproductive, I find that journaling helps me to process life and refocus on my priorities instead of making rushed decisions as I’m going through the day. Having the big picture and my focuses written down in my journal helps me to remember what I’m actually aiming at instead of being consumed by the daily duties of caring for little ones, remembering when we need to be where, and trying to feed everyone!
3. Journaling helps you to see the positives
Making a note of the positive things from the day, and also taking time to acknowledge challenges and work out ways to tackle them helps to give you a more positive outlook on life. We are naturally more likely to remember the negative but by consciously sitting and writing down positives we recall them and that boosts our sense of wellbeing. I love being able to flick back through the pages and read pages of good things from the past weeks, sometimes big things but often small ones which are just as special.
4. It helps you to achieve your goals
Writing down your goals is a big step towards actually achieving them, since they turn from intangible ideas in your mind into something concrete, even if there are just words on the page. The act of checking back in and having a physical reminder of those goals or focuses helps to keep us to spend our days in the ways that we really want to. I actually adjust my focuses according to each season of motherhood, since often there are so many things which we would love to do but we need to have realistic goals in each stage of life.
5. It gives you a sweet record of each season.
This is particularly true if you have little ones but I think each stage has so many things that are lovely to remember. If you’re making a habit of writing down the joys from your week even flicking back a few pages can make you smile and remind you of happy things you may otherwise forget.
The most important thing to remember, especially if you’re a busy mum, is to keep it simple. Keep it simple and stop chasing perfection, small notes and reflections are much better for you than nothing. Find a time or space that works for you and get into the habit of finding some mental space and breathing room in your day. As a mama it’s good to embrace our current season and if that means less time for writing and complicated projects then we need to adjust to that, even if we would love a few hours a day to write in peace and reflect on life. Journaling for me is usually as simple as writing a few sentences reflecting on the day that evening, and once a week I might take a bit longer to think through some other aspects. Occasionally I will have longer thoughts that I want to get out, and so periodically I will do some more of that long style journaling.
During that time when I felt like writing or journaling was not a productive use of my time I found my mind was so crowded and I was becoming quickly overwhelmed and one day I sat down and wrote it all out. I wrote down all my expectations for motherhood, my skills, priorities and then reflected on my season. Over the last year or so I have been tweaking and refining it, getting feedback from other mamas and now it’s a proper real-life year long journal called The Mama Book (preorders actually launched yesterday!). It has brought me so much joy and focus where I was once struggling. It has space to reflect on the big picture and is then split into 4 season sections- with space for reflecting on each stage of motherhood, and then weekly space for those little notes and joys. I love having a physical space to reflect on everything motherhood is, and breathing room is much easier to find these days. Adding journaling back into my life has brought so many benefits particularly in motherhood and I do hope you’re inspired to start (or continue!) too.
Thanks so much, Zoe. I definitely agree that there’s a real benefit to journaling and getting things out of my head and onto paper is really important to me. Thanks for sharing your experiences with us and now there’s a chance for one of you to get your hands on The Mama Book…
Competition Time!
I now have one copy of The Mama Book up for grabs, so to be in with a chance of winning it, enter using the rafflecopter below. The competition is open to UK entrants only and closes at 12am August 28th 2017. Good luck!
What appeals to you about The Mama Book?
Journaling looks like a fabulous way to look back on all the happy moments in life!
It encourages us mamas to take time out to write down our thoughts!
Thanks so much for having me Jocelyn ?
An absolute pleasure!
I’m a gardener and a cook… I can see so much potential to record my day to day activities, plans for the future, what to leave well alone and notes to myself!
I love journalling but find that I need templates and prompts. This looks perfect 🙂
Writing things down, is a record which we can return to and review. Can help us to prioritise, list plans and goals, record happy moments etc. These can all be helpful as life can pass so quickly, noise, commitments, distractions, being disturbed can all impact on our life and quality of life. Quality of life in it’s various aspects can be so important. For us individually, as a couple, as a family, as part of a group, as part of the community, as a member of society, etc.
I need a journal.
Journaling looks great idea to look back on all those memories
I think it would be great to encourage me to take time out
looks good x
it looks like a lovely book
I love writing and keeping a journal of things, so I love that this would be all for me, mama
I like the fact that it may encourage you to slow down.
My little boy has lots of funny little phrases and I always think that I must write them down so that I don’t forget them over time. It would be great to do this in this book.
i love the cute cover design! as a mum of 6 (7th due in December) ive always got a lot running through my mind, this lovely book would be perfect for jotting everything down
Allowing yourself 5 minutes to yourself to reflect put your thoughts and memories down and bring yourself back down to earth. Which is super hard if you’re a busy mum.
I love that is says “MAMA” on the front- maybe my son will take the hint and not steal it from me like he does with all my other books & notepads! It’s very pretty and i think it would encourage me to make notes on my day for me to look back on x
The Mama Book looks utterly enchanting, i like the way it is split by both seasons and stages of motherhood
The Mama Book looks utterly enchanting, I like the way it is split by both seasons and stages of motherhood.
I definitely think writing down goals would benefit me greatly, I always have good intentions and tend to forget all about them pretty quickly!
you can document all your highs – lows and love – and maybe pass it to your child when they have one xxx
It looks so beautiful and inviting. I’d love to get into journalling x
It makes us take time out for ourselves
it looks great for recording memories
It looks nice for a friend who is on her own with her first child.
I love the idea of recording memories, with my older children I didn’t have a camera phone or Facebook, Instagram etc and there are so many things I just didn’t record so with my younger children I want to get it all down to look back on when they’re all grown up.
I love the idea of recording daily thoughts to remember them
Would love for my neice
Writing would encourage her to express her feelings
It’s beautiful and give her the incentive to start
To keep a record of daily events!
the memories
Perfect for for recording memories.
We’re always so busy that we cant remember all the little details. This will be great for reflecting back on.
What appeals to me has to be its a book just for me to write my thoughts in
helps me to write down my thoughts
The unique idea of it and being able to look back on it after a year or two – good memories
It’s a beautiful book.
I love the idea on reflecting on different stages
I love to write things down and this is such a lovely book so sweet
I love notebooks and this one is beautiful and I especially love the fact it has different sections so I could use each one for something different – like one for things to do, one for shopping, etc.
They idea of recording the important and little moments of mine and my baby’s journey together!
I really love this idea. Being a busy working mum, it becomes so easy to loose track of all the special, little things that make being a Mama so great, the little smile as you walk through the door, the picture held out of sticky hands that has been coloured with pride. This fabulous books ensures you take a moment out of your day to reflect on all these happy, positive memories and keep them for posterity.
It is very pretty and a perfect gift
IT gives me mindfullness
Cause it sounds like a book that’s giving you permission to reflect on being a parent. It’s not all roses, and writing stuff down definitely gives you a bit of perspective.
I could write all my thoughts and feelings down on a daily routine
It will give me a chance for a bit of reflection and me time.
Keeping me focused especially on the positives and seeing each step as a step towards my goals.
The different sections that it contains prompting thoughts that you may not have had and easy ways to reminisce after when revisiting the journal 🙂
My daughter has just given birth to Oscar Henry and he’s adorable> Would love this for her to record all the wonderful moments they’re experiencing!!!
That I can keep a journal of all my adventures with my little girl
Journelling can be a time to reflect & remember all those precious moments.
Would help me to try and get organized and calm 🙂
I Like the fzct I could write down all th sweet things my kids do that I would forget in a year or two. It’d be nice to look back on.
It makes me prioritise the important things in life.
I like the idea of it helping you remember the positives. Sometimes days can be long and hard and that’s what I remember. It would be nice to write the good stuff down to read later.
A place to organise myself
nice way to look back on all the happy memories
Just getting very proactive in thinking about goals and being mindful and reflective, this looks really good for that and is beautiful
the size is perfect