Today on The Blog Lowdown, I’m pleased to be bringing you the lovely Tanya, from Muma Leary….
Please Introduce yourself:
Hi, I’m Tanya or Muma Leary as I’m more commonly known!
Wife to Mr L, Muma to two gorgeous girls and, freelance events and project manager. Jack of all trades I guess, 😉 master of….uuummm!
When did you start blogging?
I started blogging in May 2013 to help alleviate the boredom and onset of possible madness that comes with a husband working away from home.
Tell us a little about your blog
Oh gosh, where do I start with this?! My blog is as close as you can get to the inner workings of my mind. It’s an honest account of our life and whatever it is that’s stirring my passions at the time. That might be stupid magazines, mental health or a fitness fad.
It’s a mishmash of topics because that’s what I’m like! I’ve tried to change but it’s a losing battle!
Who designed your blog?
Me! It’s just wordpress but I have got another one in the pipeline that my friend Dom helped me with. He’s fab!
I’ll launch it as soon as I’ve had the chance to tweak it so it looks just right! It takes time!!
Which of your posts have been the most popular? Are there certain types that get more interest?
My most popular post is still the one I wrote in response to the OK article on Kate Middleton getting her figure back which hit the shelves the day after she left hospital.
It’s a look at expectation vs reality when you have a baby!!
It’s hard to tell which posts are the most popular as I have been lucky enough to gain a good following who seem happy enough to read whatever I deem fit to publish! Thank god.
How do you promote your blog posts, and which methods do you find to be most successful?
I am absolutely useless at this aspect of blogging. Useless!! I know all about Twitter and Google circles and all that but I never do it – I never get it right.
I do share on Facebook but you don’t want to bore your friends do you!
Which linkys do you most enjoy joining in with/reading?
There are so, so many excellent and popular linkys but, as with the promotion bits, I am pretty inconsistent to be honest. I could really use a proper schedule to keep me on track but, when I do get involved I really enjoy #LittleLoves which is a Friday linky hosted by Morgana at But Why mummy Why. There is also #Sharewithme hosted by Jen at Let’s talk Mommy not to mention #Mmwbh, #BrilliantBlogPosts. I have plans to begin my own but they are so time consuming and I don’t want to do it badly…watch this space!
When are your busiest days on the blog, and why? (if you know why!)
I only write when I have something I really want to say so at the moment there is no hard and fast rule for what goes on which days. Luckily, when I post, I seem to get traffic and I have some lovely retweeters and sharers so that always helps!
Can you name 3 things that blogging has brought you?
Blogging has renewed my love of the written word and reminded my how much I love to get my thoughts and feelings down on paper.
It has allowed me to review products that I’d not have had the opportunity to otherwise and has introduced me to some really fab people – both in person and virtually. It’s actually a really sociable thing!
My Top Tips for Bloggers:
1) Write passionately and honestly. If you’re not doing that, what’s the point? I wear my heart on my sleeve and occasionally that means that I have to have uncomfortable conversations with people but I don’t care about soft furnishings or the latest gadget or shoes (that’s a lie, I do care about shoes!) so I have to write my truth.
2) Write regularly, but not just for the sake of it. I’ve heard that good writing takes practise and the best writers recommend writing for between 7-10 minutes every single day. Even if you never publish it. Even if it’s not blogging related. I think that’s a great piece of advice and look forward to the day I can follow it!
3) Hmmm…I think here I am going to advise you to do the polar opposite to what I do; this might also feature as a New Years Resolution type post!
Get a schedule and stick to it! Commit to a few linkys and get into a routine….I have a feeling this will happen for me once the girls hit uni!
In spare moments (what?!) write a couple of posts which you can keep in reserve so you have something to go when you’re away or too busy.
4) Don’t care about your readers. Don’t get me wrong, I love my readers. I love getting comments and hearing that people I’ve never met enjoy the way I write and the things I say but, I am not a slave to them. I am writing to get things out of my head, to capture our family life and because I adore writing so, write for you.
5) Learn about promoting your posts, if that’s your thing…it needs to be mine so feel free to hit me with suggestions!
My Social Media Links:
You can find me on Twitter and Facebook
Thanks very much, Tanya. Great tips, and I love the idea that they’re resolutions for you, too!
If you’ve any questions for Tanya, feel free to comment on this post, and she’ll pop by and check in. Next week, we will be hearing from Kizzy from The Go To Mum, so be sure to pop by for that on Tuesday morning. You can catch up the previous posts from other bloggers here, too, if you’ve missed them.
If you’d like to feature on The Blog Lowdown, just email me at [email protected] to get involved.
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