blog and notebook

Blog Progress Report January 2022

Welcome to this month’s blog progress report.

Here we are, already a month into 2022, I am pleased to have January out of the way. Onwards and upwards!

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blog and notebook

Looking back on the plans I had for this month, I have kept up with most of them.

This makes me very happy. January can be a challenge for me!

I have remained motivated all month, which I can find hard this month, and I have been feeling productive every single day. 

New blog posts have been going out every week, and I have been creating new content for my YouTube channel and promoting all of them. I think if I can keep up with YouTube during my worst month, I might have finally cracked it and will stay on track with it!! 

I am finding I am enjoying working on YouTube more and more and I love getting comments from you over there, it’s always lovely to hear your thoughts. 

laptop and notebook for email marketing

The area that has taken a backseat this month is my Etsy store, and I think it will do next month too.

It has been ticking along nicely, and I do have new products I want to develop this year, but they are going to have to wait a few more weeks. 

laptop and pencil case

Of course, growing Bring Back Paper has been a huge part of my month, as always. 

We have had a postcard mailing running this month which has been popular, the Bring Back Paper Facebook group has been growing daily and I see the #bringbackpaper hashtag is being used more and more over on Instagram, and I do share selections from that on my Instastories every weekend. 

The newsletters have been going out with Flodesk, my newsletter provider. It goes out every Friday lunchtime (UK time) and shares the latest posts, videos, details of all activities running and there’s usually some extra papery inspiration in there too. If you want to ensure you don’t miss any new content, old favourites and the latest activities and products, do ensure you’re signed up to that. 


Plans for next month

Next month, key for me will be working on SEO.

It’s one of those things that I never seem to get around to, yet I have a course I should be working through and I know I will benefit from doing it. 

I was talking to a friend about it and she suggested I just blank a whole week or two out of my diary and just go for it with this course, no other distractions. I think she’s right, and I can see that working for me so that is my main priority during February.

My next priority will be getting happy mail to my Patrons and arranging activities and paper for them, and then running the Bring Back Paper activity for the month.

I’d like to still get 2 blog posts live a week and a new video each week, and of course my weekly newsletter out. But for the first time in a long time, I plan to focus on the SEO work and not stress if I don’t get that amount of fresh content out over the month. I know that if I end February having got to grips with my SEO course I’ll feel really good, so that will take up the majority of my time. I’ll then see how many other things I can do too. 

What are your thoughts on my activities and plans? 

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