bookshelves and plant

Book Swap July 2024

Welcome to this month’s Bring Back Paper activity, it’s a lovely book swap.

You must know by now that I adore a book swap! Books are the best, so sharing them around always makes me smile. 

If you haven’t tried this activity before, the idea behind the book swap is really simple and easy for anyone to join in with. It is open internationally and you can join in as long as you are aged over 18.

The idea is to send a pre-loved fiction book out into the world for someone else to enjoy, and for the recipient to be reading something that they may not have chosen themselves. It’s a lovely item of surprise happy mail to receive and it might help you to find a new author or genre that you love.

I think that it’s fun to read something that you might not have picked up yourself every once in a while and a great way to pass on a book that you have enjoyed.

bookshelves and plant

Join the Book Swap

If you’d like to join in, it’s all being run and arranged over in our Bring Back Paper Facebook group this month.

A thread started there last night and anyone that would like to get involved just needs to comment on that thread letting us know that they want in, where they’re from and their least favourite genre. I will then match people up and let them know who they’re swapping with.

Pop over now to the group if you’d like to get involved with this one. I’ll close it down when the comments slow right down, so get involved early if you want in.

The idea behind the swap is that you receive a completely pot luck book that perhaps you would not have picked up yourself, though by specifying your least favourite genre, it means you shouldn’t get something that you already know that you really don’t like! It’s all part of the risk and the reward!

You will all be in pairs, so you will be sending to the same person that you will receive your book from.

Is this something you fancy trying this month?

If you’re new to Bring Back Paper, you can find out more about it all here. You can join our Facebook group here and you can sign up to join my mailing list below, for all the latest news, updates, ideas and activities.


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