British Red Cross Help With Baby & Child First Aid

I didn’t think too much about first aid and how to handle illnesses and emergencies before I had children. I think we had the bare essentials such as plasters, paracetamol, anti-histamines and maybe a bandage or two in our bathroom cabinet, and that was about it. Oh, how times have changed. Kids seem to get bumps, scrapes and bruises most days, and then there are the childhood illnesses and colds that are often doing the rounds. On top of these minor ailments, they can be accident prone, so yes, both of mine have been to A&E in their short lives and then there’s the care we want to take of them in various situations, too. I now think more about First Aid.

The British Red Cross are running the #RappedUp campaign to encourage parents to keep little ones safe by equipping themselves with basic first aid knowledge. First Aid is an essential like skill that every parent should learn.

They run first aid courses all around the UK, as well as online, and have now produced a British Red Cross Baby and Child First Aid app. It’s free to download, and packed full of useful information, to use both in emergencies and day to day. Along with the information, there are diagrams and short videos to better explain procedures.

The app is divided up into several areas, Learn, Prepare, Emergency, Test, Toolkit and Info. So if your child starts vomiting, incurs a head injury or runs a fever, for example, you’ll know what is best to do by turning to this app for guidance.

The ‘Learn’ section is all listed alphabetically and easy to find.

British Red Cross Baby and Child App Learn

If you click on any given section, such as nosebleed, there will then be a short video showing you how best to handle the incident, along with step by step instructions and diagrams on what to do.

British Red Cross Baby and Child App Diagrams

I think the ‘Prepare’ section is very useful and worth a read through. It covers areas such as Eating, Fire, Out and About, Home and Garden, Travelling and Hot Weather, along with many more.

British Red Cross Baby and Child App Prepare


Under each sub-heading are handy checklists for you to use, along with calls to action and things to look out for.

Once you’ve been through the app, there is also a test that you can take to consolidate your knowledge and flag up any gaps you may have. I can see this being very worthwhile doing, it’s something of a mini course within an app. Every section is filled with useful information, tips and advice; they’ve managed to pack into one app. It’s something that I’m currently making my way through, and I’m finding that as a visual learner, the videos and diagrams are really helping me to remember all that I need to know.

It’s an app that can not only make your little ones lives more comfortable when they’re ill, but it could help to save them some day, too. If you’re a parent, please do pop over and get your free baby & child first aid app now, available on Google and iTunes.

Disclosure: Written in collaboration with the British Red Cross

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4 thoughts on “British Red Cross Help With Baby & Child First Aid”

  1. First aid is definitely something that becomes really important as soon as you have a baby in your arms. Knowing what to do in case of an emergency is so reassuring. We have the app and I absolutely love it. It is intuitive, easy to use and the advice given is straightforward. Everyone should have it on their phone. x

  2. I really want to do a course on first aid. I am a single mum so it’s all down to me. I will bookmark this page and have a good watch of all the videos. Thank you for sharing this. x

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