Buying Books Vs Reading Books

Buying books and reading books are two separate hobbies, right?

Some days I want to indulge in my love of browsing bookshops, new and second-hand, and libraries.

Some days I want to cosy up with my book and get lost in it for hours. 

When I think of each of these days, how they make me feel as I write those sentences, they are completely different moods. 

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bookshelves and plant

I have plenty of books in my house.

I have books I have read before and loved, though not that many of these as I often pass my books on.

I then have shelves of books that I am yet to read. Books just waiting for me to pick them up. 

This means that I am never going to find myself in the mood for reading, without a book. There will be one. And there’s usually one to suit my every mood.

I am a mood reader. I have, from time to time, put a TBR pile together for the season and I like doing that. But it does need to be a pile with a variety of genres so that I can always choose my next read based on how I’m feeling that day rather than it being the next book on my list.


My bursting bookshelves mean I can always sit down and read when I have the time. 

Buying books, well that’s always a lot of fun.

I have those bookshops that I tend to gravitate towards, my favourites, and I do enjoy a good mooch around charity shops to see what books they have available. Of course then there are library visits and books that I am lucky enough to receive from friends and family. 

Sometimes I love to wander around bookshops, seeing which books appeal to me, finding new titles I’ve not seen, trying new authors. 

Then there are all of those books that I already know I want to get, from an ever growing wish list. I love following plenty of book-loving people on social media, so I often spot a book that I have to look into and then find myself putting it on my list. The list is ever evolving!

I can spend a very happy few hours sauntering around book shops or looking into new books that I might enjoy. Bookish research. For those books that I will add to my shelves and might read this month…might read in three years’ time, who knows?

Looking at my bookshelves makes me happy. Part of the book buying hobby? Finishing one of my books, popping it into my reading journal, then browsing my own shelves for my next read always makes me happy. 

Reading a book, acquiring a book. Different thrills!

Which one’s better? Well, that depends on my mood, doesn’t it?!

What do you think?

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