Bye, Bye Summer

I have my socks on. That’s normally the sign for me. I love my flip flops, and at that first ray of sunshine and warmth, out they all come and summertime commences. But now I’m in socks. And the last few nights, I’ve even put my slippers on.

With autumn looming crisp and fresh, I look back on our summer, our first with Little Man, and one full of more outdoor adventures and picnics than ever before! These are a few of my favourite moments…

summer 2013

So what will autumn bring? Well, my Converse are out now. I do like these, too, and having flip-flopped about, I actually find I do quite welcome the change. My business will certainly be keeping me busier for the next few weeks, Boo’s at preschool two days a week now and she’s making the most of every second of that. Little Man is enjoying more freedom now that he’s getting about with speed, and looks close to walking any time now. So, sad that I am that our wonderful summer together is over, autumn is shaping up to be good fun, too, and this year I think it’ll look a little different. You see, I am determined to keep on getting the kids outside and having fun, rather than hibernating from now until April, as is my usual habit. We’ve got winter woollies and coats at the ready, so I look forward to walks in the park, nature collecting, leaf rubbing, seed planting, hunting for conkers, duck feeding, trips to the playground and continuing to work outside on Project Garden.

I’ll be on the lookout for fresh ideas to have fun outdoors, so please do share yours with me. What will you all be getting up to?

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Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall

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20 thoughts on “Bye, Bye Summer”

  1. I agree with you, this Autumn we are determined to be out and about so much more. Getting fresh air makes such a difference to your mood too. Lovely photo montage too. #countrykids has been very inspiring.

  2. Gorgeous collection of photos from what was a great summer! It’s great to hear that so many bloggers are determined to keep getting outdoors and having fun in Autumn, you have a great list of activities ready and I’ll look forward to reading about your adventures. Thanks for linking up and sharing with Country Kids.

    1. Thanks very much. We’ve been very #CountryKids inspired here, so thank you, and we will keep on going – I’ll report back… 😉

  3. Looks like you’ve had a brilliant summer. I totally agree with you, it’s that time to put away the flip flops, I’m actually excited to bring out the boots. 🙂

  4. Lovely to hear you had a nice summer. The summer hols went so quickly. Your right autumn has arrived. Look forward to reading about your autumn adventures.

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