Can you ever have too many books?
I think that given that you know it’s me asking this question, you can probably guess what my answer will be.
Of course not!
Buying books, borrowing books, swapping books, all ways that we can acquire books. And I do seem to acquire books at quite a fast rate.
Acquiring books is not the same thing as reading books.
Books bring more joy than just sitting down to read one.
Looking into new books you want, choosing books for yourself or others, finding book bargains and creating book wish lists (this is mine, I am always adding to it!) are all hobbies completely separate to actually reading a book.
There’s rearranging your bookshelves, browsing them and choosing a book, talking about books, sharing books, book shopping, being surrounded by books and they all bring with them pockets of joy.
And then there are the hours you spend reading books.
There are millions of them out there, and they come in different guises these days.
For me, it has to be a physical copy, a paperback. It’s very rare you’ll find me reading an e-book, hardback or listening to an audiobook. We all have our favourites and books are books in any form. Reading them is an anywhere any place thing.
Curled up, lying down, on your break, over lunch, on a commute, when waiting for your kids, appointments, anything at all. Bring a book and the time never feels wasted.
Books are there for you for every moment.
There are books to help you escape reality, books that immerse you in new worlds, books that resonate with your situation and help you to feel less alone and to make sense of things.
Books that inspire, books that make you laugh, books that change your perspective, books that warm your heart.
Every book is a new adventure, every book a different experience so how can you possibly have too many? They all have something new to say to you, they all have the power to transport you and you can carry them around with you for any moment that you need them. How many things can you say that about?
“Books are a uniquely portable magic.” – Stephen King. He’s right, isn’t he?
And I for one, want to have as many of them as I possibly can!
What do you think? Can you ever have too many books?
And being a librarian in your own home is the best thing! Any excuse to tweak, rearrange, make space for a new addition, plan which next to read … the best therapy there is! ????????
Absolutely it is!