woman glowing

Celebrate The Wins!

As we move into February, I’m sure many of us had new goals that we set at the start of the year, perhaps resolutions or habits we wanted to work on, and we’re now a few weeks into them. 

They might be working, they might have fallen by the wayside, the might still be a lingering idea yet to take hold. 

Whatever they are, whatever stage you’re at with them, celebrate the wins.

We are usually terrible at this.

We are so quick to beat ourselves up over things that we feel aren’t going well, or berating ourselves over things we’ve not achieved, that we overlook those successes.

I used to manage, coach and develop. That’s what I did before life here and at home with my kids. 

Celebrate the wins was a phrase we used quite often in the workplace as we used to focus on making plans, setting targets and developing teams, and then could easily overlook the best part of all of this, seeing that work actually pay off. So we were encouraged to celebrate the wins.

This translates across everything we do, or at least it should do. If we are focused on doing something, and we make moves in the right direction, small and large, it should be celebrated.

It applies to us all every day in all aspects of our lives, but I think we’re generally quite rubbish at it! Don’t you?

woman glowing

Personally, I’m actually not bad at positive self talk, I have lovely friends that are far harder on themselves than I am on myself. But even then, this is an area that I often overlook, and I really shouldn’t.

Celebrating those wins can take any form that you like. 

It could be treating yourself to something new, a celebratory meal out, taking to socials and sharing your thoughts or maybe just telling a loved one that you’ve done it or patting yourself on the back.

The way in which you celebrate doesn’t matter too much, it’s about recognising that you have achieved something, made some progress in some way.

We do so many things that are comprised of multiple steps, can take weeks, months or years to achieve, are difficult to measure or are tricky to really quantify. It means it can be hard to spot a win.

But spot them we must! I will bang this drum!

Spotting a win can motivate us, it can give us that serotonin boost, it builds our self confidence and esteem and it keeps us going.

Take this as your reminder to take stock of just how far you’ve come today. It doesn’t matter if you haven’t achieved your goal, you will have made some progress. Celebrate that.

Are you good at doing this?




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