Saturday 10th October is Star Wars Reads Day, a global celebration of books for Star Wars fans. Well, this is one household that is definitely up for that!
Our Star Wars Story
The Husband grew up loving Star Wars, I enjoyed it as a child, so when the ‘new’ movies came out we went to see them all at the cinema and we of course own the films. One day, our son found said films…
So two or three months ago Little Man ‘discovered’ Star Wars. Oh my, did he. Since that day, his obsession has just grown and grown. Every single day we seem to have endless discussions about the varying lightsaber colours, why Anakin turned to the Dark Side, whether there was good still left in Darth Vader (we believe so, thanks to Return of the Jedi), why Yoda is so small – who knows?! The list goes on and on, believe me. The mums on the school run now find it fun to guess which Star Wars figure is accompanying Little Man each day, we watch the six films in rotation along with several Lego Star Wars DVDs and Star Wars Rebels episodes, play with the figures, talk about the plot-lines – you get the picture, right? He has an ever-growing collection of figures, toys, masks, dressing up, clothes and so much more and his Christmas list seems to growing daily as he spots more toys that he ‘needs’.
And he’s only just turned three. The Husband, of course, is delighted.
Anyway, this week we had a rather special delivery. It’s no secret that we love our books here. I get as excited as the kids do when they receive new books. Until this time. When Little Man received this bundle, he’s excitement levels took to a whole new level…..
Both Little Man and Boo dived straight in and didn’t surface for some time!
And then to top it off, we also received this…
Yes, my son is now a Sith Lord.
Star Wars Books
So a closer look at the fab books that we received from the lovely people at Egmont
Star Wars: Where’s the Wookie?
Chewbacca, a notorious rebel ally, is wanted for crimes against the Empire. Not often seen without his partner-in-crime, Han Solo, this Wookiee has evaded capture on multiple occasions, due in no small part to the fastest freighter in the universe, the Millennium Falcon. Chewie, as he is more commonly known, has a sizeable bounty on his head. Can you find this furry criminal before other accomplished bounty hunters beat you to it? A uniquely illustrated search and find format, perfect for Star Wars fans young and old!
I do love books like this, and my daughter adores them. Along with having to find Chewbacca on every page, there are then addictional characters and items for you to find on each and every page. Lots of fun, with a favourite character.
Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back Activity Book
This is a uniquely illustrated activity book based on the second movie in the Star Wars saga. Join Luke Skywalker as he discovers his ancestry, trains to be a Jedi knight and fights the evil forces of the Empire! The book is packed full of exciting mazes, codewords, puzzles and many more activities, and 4 sticker scenes to complete with 100 stickers!
So much to do with this one! This one is Little Man’s favourite, as he loves the characters in Empire Strikes Back and enjoys having me read each section to him, studying the stickers pages (not using them, just studying them!), and even though he is only 3, he can do some of the activities.
Star Wars Doodles
Readers can draw, colour, and create with all their favourite characters from the Star Wars films. From Luke Skywalker to Darth Vader, every page is packed with doodles from a galaxy far, far away. Readers can use their artistic Force to bring these sensational scenes to life!
Despite possibly being the world’s worse artist, I think this is a brilliant book. I like the concept of having to add to each illustration, and as many of them are simple, even I can join in! This is one that both of the children will do together, and I do suspect the Husband (who actually can draw very well) will muscle in on it, too.
We also received the Star Wars Rebels magazine. Little Man has had these before, along with the Lego Star Wars and Star Wars Adventures magazines. He loves them, absolutely loves them and I find it difficult to sneak past the magazine stands in shops now! They tend to be his bedtime reading for that whole week, and he pours over them quietly by himself, too.
Little Man and Star Wars
I managed to capture Little Man talking Star Wars, not the easiest of tasks as he is only just three, but it’s nice to hear it from him….
Competition Time
Now, it only seems fair that after going on about how brilliant these books are that I offer a bundle up as a prize. So I do have a Star Wars book bundle up for grabs, including the above three titles – a rather fabulous prize, I think! To be in with a chance of winning, enter using the rafflecopter below. The competition ends at 12am on 5th November 2015, and is open to UK entrants. Good luck!
So go on, share with me your favourite Star Wars moment.
Disclosure: Written in collaboration with Egmont
i loved it when jabba the hut made his appearance
a big star wars fan here so every film is a huge favourite of mine
anything involving Ewoks
My favourite moment is when the Ewoks cause mayhem
When you meet Han Solo for the 1st time in the bar 🙂
Attack Of The Clones – when Count Dooku fights with Yoda! (loved Yoda’s moves!)
Oh yes, I do love those moves!
i loved young Anakin in the podrace 🙂
My almost-17-year-old was OBSESSED with Star Wars. To the point that, if he could read and write at 4, he could easily have aced an A-Level in it (they should really introduce a Star Wars A Level!). I took him to visit my work once and my boss got an empty bin, put it on his head, and proceeded to do an amazing Darth Vader impression. My boy (probably 5 or 6 by then) was in heaven! Favourite moment for sure. Now I have a 4 and 6 year old who are also Star Wars obsessed. The force returns!
I could pass that A level,too!
the birth of darth vador xx
When Darth Vader first breathes after being suited up in Revenge of the Sith
Yes! Saw that in the cinema, epic moment.
I like the Ewoks in the forest scene,Where they were chasing Luke on flying scooters.
It has to be the “Luke I am your Father” moment, best story twist of all time.
I love the battle between Obi Wan and Darth Maul 🙂
I remember taking my nephew (and various friends of his) to see the original Star Wars film and looking along the all the seats just as Luke is making his final run against the Death Star. It still brings a smile to my face watching them all leaning left to right and back, just as Luke was doing, and then cheering as Hans Solo appears in the Millennium Falcon. As for the new Star Wars, I’m hoping to take my great nephew and hope the film will perform the same magic on him.
What a special memory! I do hope you get to see the magic again.
It has to be Star Wars A New Hope (ep iV) when Luke is making his attack run down the Death Star trench, Vader has him in his sights, there’s surely no escape until (Hurrah!) Here’s Han and Chewie in the Millennium Falcon!
Love that, too!
The bit where Vader promotes Captian Piett to Admiral Piett
I love the first time we see the Ewoks
the yoda fight
I love the fight scenes
luke I am ur father
Has to be when luke finds out vader is his father Amazing
When Anakin Skywalker becomes Darth Vader and you hear the iconic Breathing for the first time. Always sent a shiver down the spine
Always wars 🙂
“Laugh it up Fuzzball” – I love Han & Chewbacca 🙂
Oh yes, great line 🙂
Where Darth Vadar says, ‘Luke, I am your father’
When Princess Leia says to Hans “You have your moments: not often, but you do have them”. she gets all the best lines.
luke… I am your father….
love watching it on tv
I’m entering for my little brother, so I will share with you this- not that long ago he was talking about Star Wars and I let slip that I’d only watched them once and wasn’t very keen. I have never seen him look so disappointed in me in his life haha. 🙂
When R2D2 & C3PO are walking in the desert.
I love the ewoks! X
I love the first time we meet Han Solo
OH MY GOD! That package is amazing! Bet they were so excited!!!!!
Meeting Hans Solo for the first time
Ewoks ambush in forest
In the remastered version at the end of the last film, seeing Anakin in the line-up with Ben Kenobi and Yoda!
C-3PO and R2 bickering like an old married couple x
Any moment with Yoda – I love him
I made a star wars trash compactor cake for my OH’s 30th. Which was quite impressive seeing that I had not watched the film – just the clip a lot!
Not fan of Star Wars myself…but OH and son are …so it would be great to win this for them.
Speedobikes chase in Return of the Jedi 🙂
When Princess Leia strangles Jabba the Hutt and he dies.
Star Wars has been loved by 4 generations in my family, sadly only 3 generations now after loosing grandad, now my grandson William is taking up the challenge, he is 7 years old and knows every character, he would so love this prize, thank you!x
Sorry, got so excited about star wars, forgot to say our favourite bit, it’s when Darth Vader say “I am your father” that expression got used so many times in the house since my children were little!!!x
I haven’t seen it to have a favorite moment its my hubby and son that watches it
I love the ewoks x
the battle between Obi Wan and Darth Maul
queuing outside the cinema in the 1970s with large bag of pick and mix for 10p.
My son had a lego star wars themed party. My husband made a death star piñata and we made light sabers for all the guests, which they used to bash the piñata – everyone had a great time – me and my husband included!
The first time i saw it with the kids xx
I am not a star wars fan at all but my husband is. He begged me to go and see the last film that was released. I finally gave in, only for a friend to ask if he wanted to see it with him the next day. My hubby pretended he hadn’t been & ended up seeing it twice, ha! I would love these for my hubby & son to share xx
I loved when they were on the little planet with the little bears fighting the good fight!
When Luke jumps off the barge in Return of the Jedi, then bounces back and spins round and catches his lightsabre. Epic.
Darth vadar reveals he is Luke’s father!
when i was a young girl my first crush was on han solo x
It was when my son referred to Yoda as ‘Yoga’ by accident – just brilliant!
Love the Ewoks in return of the Jedi X
Luke I’m your father monent
I’ve never watched Star Wars myself so I don’t have a favourite moment but I know my nephew would absolutely love these books 🙂
I like the imperial death march.
It’s got to be the moment when Luke finds out that Darth Vader is his father!!!
When the twins are born and named 😀 A bit corney but nice.
The Birth of darth vador
Anakin as a little boy!
Meeting Hans Solo for the first time 🙂
I love every thing about Star Wars xx
When Yoda battles with his lightsaber! So impressive! It makes me want to be a Jedi.
When Darth Vader tells Luke he is his father.
I haven’t really watched it much its my son who’s the fan he still has a video box set. Can’t ask him his fav bits cos he’s still in bed (2-10 shift)
All the ones with Ewan McGregor in 😉
Princess Leia and the buns on her head! 🙂
The title music and credits instantly enthral me.
The part when Darth Vader tells Luke he’s his father.
The rebel attack on the Death Star in A New Hope.
darth vadar taking his first chaaaaaaaaach chuuuuuuuuuuuuuch breath all suited and booted. #legend
as a child first film i saw at cinema with my dad and little brother was star wars at the basildon abc
Chaos with the EWOKS
When Darth Vader captures Han on Cloud City and he’s using him for testing, and Leia tells Han she loves him and he replies I know lol
My fav is the ewok village in the trees lo e them
Meeting Hans Solo for the first time x
Has to be when Darth Vader reveals he’s Lukes father
Obi wan and darth vader having the battle with light sabers.
I really love the battle between Obi Wan and Darth Maul xxx
The moment Chewbacca first appeared
It’s got yobs when darth vader says.. Luke I am your father
The scene from The New Hope where Chewy, Han, Leia and Luke are going to get crushed in the garbage masher, just love the tension and the door number is 3263827. Never will forget that number.
When Jar Jar Binks dies!
Ewoks ambush in forest i loved it, so does my son x
battle between Obi Wan and Darth Maul
The Yoda fights 🙂 X
When Luke realises that Darth Vader is his dad
My fave star wars moment has to be hans solo getting frozen in carbonite and him and leia say the ‘I love you’ ‘I know’ bit! I love their relationship!
I am your father!
I’m a big Ewok’s fan.I love my Funko Pop! Wicket.
The light sabre battle between Obi Wan and Anakin in Revenge of the Sith
When Darth Vader kicks the Emporers bum, and saves his son. #misunderstood #poorguy
The grand scale of the opening music is pretty amazing. You know it’s going to be epic from that alone.
I’m your father
anything with ja ja binx – we love him! x
When Luke is making his attack run through the Death Star trench and he gets the shots on target and the Millienium falcon shoots Vader and gets him off his back.
C-3PO and R2 are like two teenagers always arguing!
When the music swells as Luke looks out over the landscape…aaah John Williams
when the ewoks had there fight with the dark side in the forest
Not mine but my partners who said his favourite star wars moment was his dad taking him to the first showing of star wars in 1977. Said he’s never forgotten it…force still with him!
I have a Star Wars ‘moment’ every time I see Harrison Ford!
In the bar with all the amazing Aliens
When jar jar binks says exsqueeze me, a favourite saying in our house now
All Hans Solo moments are my favourite.
I love the lego star wars film as it is comedy! (@PeanutHog)
Luke I am your father
Not very original but the moment Luke finds out that Darth Vader is his father
The Grudge Match (‘Return of the Jedi’)
the Ewoks party
Princess Leia getting rescued
The Ewoks in the dark forest
My favourite is the escape from Jabba’s ship above the Sarlacc Pit
I love Anakin in the podraces – so COOL xxx
The ewocks flying through the forest
Yoda, Jedi Warrior!
Sadly I don’t have one because I’m not a fan but I know someone who would love it if I won this 🙂
My fiancé and I met on Star Wars Day (May the 4th lol)
We all love Star Wars but my youngest daughter wasn’t that sure as she hasn’t watch many of the films – during the holidays we took them to Madam Tussauds and went and visited the Star Wars Exhibition where she was able to get up close to all the Stars needless to say when we come home she watched all the movies and is now a huge fan and can’t wait to see the new film x
Luke Skywalker meeting his father
my grandson loves it we have to watch it at least three times a day he is a major fan
“I love you!” “I know” – gets me every time!
When the storm trooper bangs his head on the door in star wars: a new hope ???
We did the Jedi academy at Walt Disney World in Florida a few years ago it was amazing – my nephew really thought he was fighting Darth Vader 🙂
In the empire strikes back, when yoda uses the force to lift the x-wing out of the swamp and luke looks on in amazement. It was magical
I like the part when Darth Vader is first scene
A light sabre battle at a bbq
When they blamed Jaja Binks for starting the war! 🙂
i love the ewoks when they running around causing trouble lol
I went to the cinema with my family to watch a triple showing, which was all 3 films in one day. Loved it and passed it on to my kids. Thanks for the chance x
seeing “jabba the hutt” for the first time
I loved the battle on Hoth, the ice world with the walkers! It was so cool!
Not even to do with the movies my favourite moment was at Disneyland Paris this August when my grandson went for Jedi training in the morning. The afternoon a show was put on where my grandson fought Darth Vader with their light sabers and Johnny got an excellent off him for remembering all the moves. Was I proud? Oh yes. Always a massive fan of Star Wars this made his year.
I love the ewoks they are my favourite
i no my both sons would love this so much, 1 is 21 coming up on the 15th and other is 8 years old totally different ages but love star wars.
i thinks its got to be the the “Luke I am your Father” scene, so touching even for starwars
going to the cinema at 4 to see return of the jedi and being made to sit and watch the whole film even though i was bored & wabted to leave
My best Star Wars moment was when my son realised that the 3 new films were related to the first 3 films!
“Luke, I am your father” of course! Classic x
Do or Do Not, there is no try
zsa zsa binks gets his tongue in the lazer beams in the race scenes, numb tongue lol
when we first met the Ewoks
I remember going to see the first 3 original star wars films all at once at the pictures as a kid.
When Vader turns on the Emperor
I love the Pod Race in The Phantom Menace
I’ve always loved star wars and I think my favourite moment is R2D2 back chatting CP30!
When Darth Vader announces he is Luke’s father
When the ewoks attack the stormtroopers! Go ewoks!!!!
I’m not sure what my favourite stars wars moment is but my happiest memories of star wars are watching the films snuggled up on the sofa with my younger brother munching on the quarter of sweets we used to go and get from the shop before we had our special movie time together 🙂
When Princess Leia tells Han Solo she loves him and he replies I know
When 900 years old you reach, look as good, you will not.
Would definitely have to be when Darth Vader reveals he’s Luke’s father
I am your father!!!
The revelation that Darth is Luke’s biological father
Amazing Prize x Good Luck x
When their in the bar with all the weird looking aliens x