Climbing and Adoring


I adore this photo. My two little beauties, clearly ‘needing’ to get a little closer to see the TV 😉

Boo climbs, clambers, and lounges all over the furniture and chairs. Leaping off the sofa onto the floor, is clearly a brilliant game, though I’m not sure she’s even that aware she’s on a chair here – she’d have done it subconsciously to get closer to Tickety Toc. She would definitely have been oblivious of her little brother, scampering about around her.

Now in his case, he definitely knows he’s climbing. He revels in every single climb. In this past week, he’s figured out to move that little chair from the playroom to any other part of the house and use it as a handy step (handy for him, not me). So he can now access a whole new level, which makes for a whole new level of challenges for me! I found him at the breakfast bar trying to reach his milk, at the sink swishing his hands around, and of course, if he can stand on a chair, why not progress to the table, so yes, found him there, too.

While being a little scary to watch and making my job that bit harder, it is lovely to see him in this new stage of his development, and the reason I adore this photo? He just wanted to copy his sister, as he absolutely worships her, and he really couldn’t have got his chair any closer to hers, could he?

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45 thoughts on “Climbing and Adoring”

  1. That’s lovely-the adoration stage is great isn’t it (at least it is for us!!) and climbing now too-do you have the same thing as us where the youngest is far more independent than the oldest? Lovely image 🙂

    1. It is lovely. Her name was one of his first words, and it’s not easy to say. Boo was quite a wild, active toddler, but I think Little Man may just be surpassing her! X

  2. What a fabulous image Jocelyn – it must be great seeing the two of them interact with each other like this. Little Man must be very excited he has a whole new world to discover. Such a wonderful post, thank you for sharing with #whatsthestory

  3. How sweet! It sounds like he’s quite the adventurer, and so lovely that he wants to do whatever Boo is doing. Incidentally, Tibbons has those same pyjamas, they make them look so grown up and yet so little all at the same time!

    1. He’s constantly trying to climb! Found him on the dining room table today! I do like those pjs, & I know what you mean 🙂 x

  4. What a gorgeous photo! Ben was a monster for climbing when he was a tot – used to drive them crackers at Nursery, especially the time they caught him “exploring” the fire alarm!

  5. Oh I love these sibling relationships. Can’t wait to have a 2nd so I can see all of this close to home. They are adorable. Aaron’s always climbed ever since he could, but now he climbs on a high bar stool type chair in the kitchen so that he can get to the high corner sweetie cupboard. He always seems to do so “safely” but it’s a new challenge like you say. His favourite passtime is climbing over the sofa to hide behind it. He can do that at both ends, but one end was occupied by the Xmas tree, till yesterday. Will be interesting to see how long it takes him to start again.

    I wanted to let you know that your comment on my blog doesn’t link to yours. Did you enter your URL when commenting? Also, it does take one to your blogger profile, but there isn’t a link there to your blog and I thought I ought to let you know xxx

    1. I’m sure it won’t take him long at all to realise he can climb over there again! My son is taking his climbing to a new level this week – very challenging!
      And thanks for letting me know – I’ll look into it x

  6. Pingback: Climbing Has Some Benefits..

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