‘Country Kids’ Inspired

Pretty much since I started blogging last month, I’ve been joining up with Coombe Mill’s #CountryKids linky. It’s about getting outside to have some family fun, whether it be a day out at a farm, a stroll through the park, or just splashing in puddles in your back garden. It’s encouraged me to find new places to go each weekend, and get out and about in the week more, and we’ve probably had more picnics in the last month than we have in all of Boo’s lifetime! We’ve discovered several new parks that we now love, free farms to visit and we’ve had a brilliant time doing it.

It’s made a real difference to the time that we spend together of a weekend. It’s become great quality family time and has barely cost us anything. The first 2-3 times it felt like a concerted effort to get out to somewhere, whereas last Sunday, we decided to grab our things, make a few sarnies and jump in the car and try out a new park, before we met up with family late afternoon. I think that time would have been spent doing odd jobs about the house, playing with a few toys and generally ‘killing time’ until we were due round to my mum-in-laws, in weeks gone by. This was a much better way to spend our afternoon, and not just for the children, as I know that the husband and myself enjoy it all so much more now, too. It’s now becoming the norm to go out and do something like this, and I really think that’s how it should be. Even if just for an hour or so each weekend, as time goes so quickly, so it’s best to grab it and have some fun with it.

You can read about some of our trips by checking out the ‘Days Out’ and ‘Family Fun’ categories on the right there. But not every adventure has been recorded here, and not every photo shared, so I’ve put a few more together here, of Boo and Little Man’s outdoor fun…


Out and About

And the ultimate #CountryKids inspired move? We booked ourselves a brilliant outdoorsy, fresh air, back to nature holiday this week. We’ll be going in spring next year. Where to? Coombe Mill, of course!

What gets you out and about? I’d love to know your favourite family-time destination?

Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall

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12 thoughts on “‘Country Kids’ Inspired”

    1. Thank you 🙂 There is plenty to get out to around here.
      I’m so excited that we’re actually booked in! Will report back, of course!

    1. It’s great, isn’t it?! We were in Bewdley and they’ve various things around the park and town that have been knitted 🙂

  1. I’m so glad that the linky has inspired you all to get out and about and enjoy the great outdoors! You’re right, it doesn’t have to be expensive days out, just the simple pleasures of having a picnic at a park or a walk is a fab way to spend quality family time together. Thanks for sharing your happy outdoor fun photos with Country Kids and I am looking forward to seeing you all when you visit Coombe Mill in Spring time.

  2. I completely agree that this linky inspires us to get out, we go out far more than we would have normally done, and it’s so much fun 🙂 I am very jealous that you’re going to Coombe Mill!

    1. It’s lovely to think how many of us are getting out more because of it, and great sharing our ideas and experiences with each other. We can’t wait to go on our holidays! 🙂

  3. Agree totally. We are spending as much time as possible outdoors this summer. We camped in Cornwall for the first two weeks of the school hols, have been to Sandwell Valley twice, Tamworth Castle and the great playground in its shadow. Countless times into Sutton Park as its on our doorstep and lots of other little adventures.
    Have you tried Little Aston Recreation Ground? It is a lovely spot, good equipment and a little track perfect for bikes/scooters. Biggest plus = not too far to travel.
    M 🙂

    1. We’ve just discovered Sandwell Valley this month, and absolutely love it! And my husband took the 3yo to the playground by Tamworth Castle this morning – it’s a good one. Kingsbury water park is nice, too. I’d heard Little Aston’s good, but not been yet – I’ll pop it on the list for this week, thanks 🙂

  4. Nichola Fabfortymum

    What a great post and you are right, just getting out there is something that the whole family can enjoy, beats housework anytime. I often look around and think I could do this, I could do that, but then I think my girls will grow up way too soon and these carefree drop everything days will be gone. I’ll have all the time in the world to hoover then!

    1. That’s a great way to look at it & a useful reminder. There are always plenty of other things we can get done, but making the most of time with our family should be top priority.

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