Creating A Holiday Scrapbook – 5 Top Tips

A really fun way to look back over your holiday and capture memories is by creating a holiday scrapbook or travel journal.

Now, I’m in the UK so I do mean holiday, like a vacation, but I can see this being a fun thing to do for ‘the holidays’ too, US style, so a scrapbook for Christmas and so on. 

I decided to put something like this together when we were away last year, road tripping the California coast. It’s now January and I’m finally getting round to doing it, so this does bring in my number one tip for this. 

Only do it because you want to! It’s supposed to be fun, relaxing, a little reminder of some lovely memories, so don’t do it if it feels like a chore.

I had gathered all of the trip memorabilia whilst we were there and had a scrapbook ready to use, but only wanted to start on this when I felt excited to do so. 

My second tip is to gather any and all bits of paper whilst on your trip, so plan ahead if you can. 

You don’t need to think too much about it, you might not use it all, but it’s much easier to keep hold of it and throw it back home than to not have it at all. 

I kept leaflets, flyers, bags, tickets, receipts, menus, napkins, wrappers, postcards and more, and it’s given me plenty to create with now.

Don’t despair if you haven’t done this for your trip, as you can still write, doodle and add photos to a journal, so you’ve plenty to go at.

Which leads me to thirdly, print out photos to add in and share those details. This needn’t turn into a full photo album, but you can make it a hybrid album and journal, and photos are a great way to illustrate your trip.

My fourth tip would be to get other trippers involved. My kids will be adding some of their favourite moments and memories to this scrapbook, as well as me adding my own thoughts.

And finally, do it however you want to do it. 

It’s your scrapbook, so don’t get hung up on it needing to look a certain way, just think about those memories that you want to capture and relax and have fun with it.

I shared more about putting this scrapbook together over on YouTube today, so you can pop over there for a closer look and more tips.

What do you think, would you like to make a holiday scrapbook?

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