We popped down the motorway to another new National Trust property at the weekend, Charlecote Park (well, it was new to us, it’s been their since the 12th century, so not all that ‘new’!).
On walking through reception, you then go back outside and across a road, and commence the lovely walk down to the property, complete with muddy puddles to play in…
It’s a beautiful view of the house and outbuildings, but we also got to see the herd of fallow deer they have grazing there..
On arrival, it was time for lunch, so were straight off to the lovely orangery restaurant they have there. I had a rather delicious sausage roll ;-). Then we were back out exploring the grounds…
And the house, which including a ‘hunt the lamb in every room’ hunt, which Boo took to with gusto!
They also have lots of outbuildings, with a second hand bookshop (always makes me happy to stumble across these!), a ‘laundry’ and a ‘Victorian kitchen’…
It rained the whole time we were there, and I’m not going to lie, it was winding me up! I really hope sometime soon, I’ll be sharing some sunnier pics with you, and I won’t have a rain-soaked camera throughout the trip and all of our hoods up so you can barely see our faces! And to top it off, Little Man hates his rain cover. Hates it. He tries to break out..
Weather aside, it was a truly lovely place, and one we’ll be certain to return to. We’re thinking this may be our place of choice for the Easter Egg hunt, so we will be back. Here’s hoping our next trip out update is a dry one!
My little boy hates his rain cover too so I sympathise! The Easter egg hunts are great fun and I’m definitely with you on keeping everything crossed that the weather improves so we can spend more time outdoors and not get wet.
I’m really liking forward to the egg hunts, as is Boo!
This looks like a fab place for a visit and so much fun. I can’t wait to get out and about with my home ed boys soon.
It was just lovely 🙂
Looks like a lovely place to visit Jocelyn! Yum, the sausage roll sounds like it was delicious! Can’t beat a family day out somewhere new!
Thanks. It was a yummy sausage roll! And a great day 🙂
It’s such a shame it was a wet day but it did give you a chance to explore the beautiful house and take part in the lamb hunt, with Spring on the way I’m sure there will be plenty of opportunities for a return visit. Thanks for linking up and sharing with Country Kids.
Very true, and yes, hoping we’ll get back there in some sunshine soon! Thanks for hosting x
Well, it looks like a lovely day, despite the rain! It would be nice to be able to enjoy some sunshine though 🙂 You have my sympathies on the rain cover, the wee girl loathes hers too! But, it’s a must at the moment as a wind break 🙂
It looks like it might actually be sunny tomorrow, so we plan to capitalise on it! I don’t even use the rain cover if I can help it, as he tries to push it off, but it was needed!
I wish we had some nice National Trust properties near us – this looks beautiful, despite the rain!
It was very beautiful. Such a shame you’re not near any! X
Oh rain covers. I think between children and the dogs, we went through so many. Least its a bit drier this weekend. Still, looks like you made the most of it. #CountryKids
They’re a nightmare! Yes, we still got out there, and funnily enough, we’re just discussing where to go tomorrow to make the most of some sunshine!
What a fantastic place! It looks amazing! I can’t believe it rained on you though, you seem to have the worst luck with rain on your days out! Bless little man with the rain cover, Monkey has always hated his too so we gave up on it! Hope you have been able to get out and enjoy the sunshine this weekend! xx #countrykids
It was lovely. It’s sunny today, so we’re hoping for a dry trip out! Hooray x
What a fabulous kitchen – they are always my favourite room in old houses!
Yes, I do like to see them, and this was a good one.
I love places like this, we’re considering joining the National Trust to give us the nudge to go and visit more! x
Oh yes, do! We only joined at Christmas, and we’ve already visited several places. We had a great day at one today, and both of us commented how much more we’re making of our weekends now – just lovely family time in beautiful surroundings, and free! (Membership fee aside!)
Looks like a beautiful place. I find victorian kitchens fascinating. Shame about the weather.
It is lovely there, and I can only imagine how amazing it’d be in some sunshine!
The approach looks very stately – I love that they have dressed up in the Victorian kitchen
It was just lovely there, right from the approach, to the details in the kitchen. Great place to visit.
What a beautiful looking house and the deer are so majestic! x
It was stunning x
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