Djeco Princess Create A Story Stamp & Stencil Set – Review

PRINCESS CREATE A STORY STAMP & STENCIL SETRegular readers will know that Boo likes getting crafty. And she’s definitely partial to a princess story (we own most of the Disney Princess books, DVDs, dolls, music- you name it!), so this Djeco Princess Create a Story Stamp & Stencil Set from Butterflies and Dragons looked right up her street, and we couldn’t wait to explore it.

Firstly, to set the scene, here’s a little about the product from the website:

Djeco Create a Story Princesses kit contains ten beautifully illustrated sheets, three stencils sheets and an array of pretty stamps.

Lots of fabulous stories can be portrayed using this inspiring and creative kit.

Use the stencils to draw patterns and scenes, and then use the stamps to bring them to life!

This craft kit also includes a stamp pad and an ideas booklet.  The kit is presented in a beautiful princess box.

Dimensions: L23.5 x H23 x D4cms

Now Boo has not really stencilled or stamped before, so she was literally bouncing with glee to get cracking! Here’s what we found when opening the box..


So quite a lot there then! I was really impressed with just how much came in this set, and as I’m finding with Djeco products, all very well made, well-presented and good quality, too.

The little booklet there shares suggested scenes that you might wish to recreate with your materials, and of course, Boo being the neat and organised child that she is, had to follow the protocol and copy one as closely as possible! She was excited to see how the stencils all worked, and we took it in turns to do them, though she was chief leaf-colourer!


It was interesting that she needed absolutely no encouragement to ‘create a story’, too. After we’d got the stencilling part done, she took over it all with the stamps and as she was adding them to the drawing, she was telling me what they were all doing, so the tale began to unfold. She was quietly murmuring to herself about the tweeting birds, the magical butterflies, the pretty princesses getting apples from the tree and she informed me quite clearly that the ink-pad was magic. It was lovely to watch her being creative whilst getting lost in the little world she was making.

The suggested age range for this is 5-13, so at just turned 4, Boo is a little young, in theory, but she really loves it. I can see how it would work well through the ages, as it’d simply be done more independently, but would still appeal. We’ve so many more scenes we’ve yet to create, so this’ll be an activity that comes out every few days for a while, and really does keep her quiet and happy 🙂

A big thanks to Butterflies and Dragons for giving us the opportunity to review and enjoy this product.

Disclaimer: We were provided with the product for the purposes of this review, but as always, all opinions remain my own (and Boo’s).

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