I love reading Karen’s Let Kids Be Kids blog, and it was while I was there last week that I read all about the Elf on the Shelf tradition. Now, I must admit, this one had passed me by somewhere. I’d spotted the odd tweet, the odd reference to it, but not really explored it or looked into it. Karen changed that! I read her post, I looked over on Pinterest at the many thousands of Elf pins, and I knew that this was one tradition that we needed to start here at the Reading Residence. So I mooched about and ordered my elf and book set (I found Baby Republic and The Book Depository to be better priced than most, if you fancy getting involved, too, though any elf will do!), and then I started to get excited..
As I understand it, the elf ‘arrives’ here on 1st December, as Santa’s eyes and ears in our home, we adopt and name him, and he then flies back to the North Pole each night to report on what we’ve been up to that day. So, each morning, he’ll return and be in a different part of the house, for the children to find. I’m pondering all of the things that our elf could get up to, what we’ll name him when he gets here, what Boo and Little Man will make of him – should be loads of fun!
And then I thought, surely this should be a blog hop?! The lovely Life With Munchers had the very same idea, so we’ve joined forces to bring you #ElfTakeover!
We’ve got a Pinterest board to gather ideas, we’ll be over on Instagram, we’ve a Google+ community, just use the #ElfTakeover tag, and we’ll have a weekly blog hop, a place to share our Elf antics 🙂
So to kick off, I think we need to introduce our elves, don’t we? Use the #ElfTakeover tag from now on and we can all look out for it across social media, and the blog linky will open Tuesday 3rd December for elf introduction posts right here – so do come and say ‘hi’ and let us know how your elf is settling in. Then every Tuesday throughout December this linky will run, inviting you to share any adventures your elf has had in the past week – whether it be a series of photos, stories about how the family’s got on with him, ingenious crafting and staging tips for the elf – whatever you want, just link them up and we’ll take a look! We’ll take it in turns to host, but pop by either blog and we’ll be sure to point you in the right direction. We’ll be having fun choosing a couple of our favourites from each week, too – Can.Not.Wait!
There are very few rules – linky opens Tuesday mornings throughout December and closes Friday of each week. Grab the badge below to add to your post, and do take time to read as many of the other blogs as you can – I know it’s a busy time, so just as many as you can get round to.

Looking forward to meeting those elves! Let #ElfTakeover commence….!
CANNOT WAIT!!!!!! Yay :)x
Nor me!!!!
Can’t wait for ours to come back – just need Santa to find her
Hope he finds her safe and well… 😉
can’t wait to join in with this 🙂
It’s going to be so much fun! Look forward to seeing you there x
I did it for the first time last year and can’t wait for our elf to return this year!!! Will definitely be joining in with this one 🙂
Fabulous! I can’t wait for our elf to arrive 🙂
Yay! It’s real! Can’t wait to join in. This is going to be fun! X
It is real!! Yep, should be loads of fun 🙂
Great idea. We are so looking forward to our elfs return this year. Thanks for the mention x
Should be fun & the linky should provide us all with lots of ideas. You’re very welcome – thanks for the inspiration for it x
Ha ha i have never heard of this before but sounds hilarious! Not sure I’ll get round to it this year but sounds fun for when monkey is a little older! I look forward to seeing what your elf gets up to 🙂
It just looks like so much, so I’m desperate to get going on it now!
This sounds like such a good idea!!! I might need to get my mum busy on knitting us an elf! I think S might be too young this year though, so the fun might just be for me 🙂 Even if I don’t do it, I’m looking forward to reading about what everybody else’s elves have got up to 🙂
Oh yes, be lovely to have a knitted elf. Hope you enjoy reading then, even if you don’t join in x
my elf is on his way .. this is our first year and i cant wait 🙂
Ours, too – so excited!
I am as excited about our elf arriving as the kiddos are, can’t wait for December 1st 🙂
It’s ridiculous how excited I am! And the prospect of seeing everyone else’s elf adventures in the linky just notches that excitement right up!
What a fun idea. I’m not sure I’m going to manage to join in, a busy month and 6 kids to sort but will enjoy seeing what others are up to and may manage a guest appearance!
I can just imagine your crazy month ahead! Yes, just pop by if you can 🙂 x
I’ve seen it on pinterest over the last couple of years but never really ‘got’ the elf on the shelf thing. And then last week we got a parcel from America… low and behold it was the elf! So now I’m really into it, pinning away and excited to start! Will be interesting to see everyone elses ideas too 🙂 x
Oh, brilliant! Yes, I’m looking forward to seeing what everyone comes up with, too – should be fun!
Sounds like such a fun idea. I’ve been tempted to get an elf too.
Oh yes, get one – should be fun!
What a fab idea Jocelyn, count us in… just ordered ours! I’ve been thinking of what to do instead of advent calendars and this is the perfect solution 🙂 #letkidsbekids
Oh, brilliant – so looking forward to this!
We love our elf, can’t wait for his return.
Great idea for a blog hop, looking forward to joining in.
Thanks for linking #letKidsBeKids
You provided the inspiration :-)) Thank you x
I’ll be there 🙂
Lovely! Will look forward to meeting your elf 🙂
fantastic I have an elf this year will be joining in x
Yay! Can’t wait to get going 🙂
Looking forward to seeing what all your Elfs get up to. #LetKidsBeKids
Should be fun!
What a fab idea. You’re gonna have so much fun with this 🙂 #letkidsbekids
Hoping so – looking forward to it anyway 🙂
There are so many fun things you can do with the elves 🙂 #MMWBH
I know – it’ll be fun to experiment!!
Oooh LOVING THIS! So taking part! Cannot wait, thanks for linking up with the Mad mid-Week Blog Hop hun! x
Fabulous – look forward to ‘meeting’ your elf!
What a cute idea. dropped by from #letkidsbekids
see you at #ElfTakeOver!
Should be fun! Thanks x
And this is just one of the reasons why I wish my kids were younger! Mine are too old to be sucked in my all this now, sadly, only one still believes in Santa 🙁 Have fun! x
I’ll make the most of it while I can!! Thanks x
Our Elf NEEDS to arrive before Sunday!! Ebay, I’m counting on you! 😉 x
Ha ha – fingers crossed for you! X
I hope you run this next year, as it is one of my 101 things to achieve in 1001 days to get Mini Milk and Elf…but he’s too young this year for it so I’m holding off. I found out about this a couple of years ago and have been DYING to make it our new tradition!
Our elf has just arrived, and I can’t wait! I’m sure we’ll run it next year – how could we resist?!
Sorry I’m late.
Bouncy Ben Elfling is back for a second year and this time he’s brought a trainee (as yet nameless) elf arrived this morning and the boys are sooo excited.
They have their own page on my blog, a twitter feed and a facebook page which you are welcome to follow.
Fabulous! Will look out for their adventures x
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What a fantastic idea – I’m jealous that I didn’t get an Elf door now.
I’m so excited about it all!
Pingback: #ElfTakeOver: Tues 3rd Dec | Mummy Tries