#ElfTakeover Week 4

We’re on the final straight now! If you’re running out of elf on the shelf ideas, fear not, as this linky should give you some inspiration for the final push! My lovely co-host Life With Munchers is hosting this week, so she’ll be pinning your linked up posts and tweeting out and sharing our favourites from last week, so do pop over to see what they were.

Here is a glimpse of a few things that our own elf, Marty has been up to….

Chatting with a good friend of Boo’s….

marty elf

Sneaking inside the kitchen roll…

marty elf1

Going for a spin…

marty elf2

And taking care of dolly…

marty elf4

It has gone by so quickly this year, and Boo’s already saying she’s going to miss Marty. I’m sure the pile of presents on Christmas morning will cushion the blow!

Do come and share what your elves have been up to with us…

Thanks for joining in with #ElfTakeover, and I hope you all have a lovely Christmas.

The Reading Residence #ElfTakeover

Sharing is caring!

4 thoughts on “#ElfTakeover Week 4”

  1. We had a toilet roll moment, too! The children through it was hilarious!
    It has gone very quickly and Marty seems to have made an impression in your household too. I’m sure the excitement of Christmas will take away any worries we have about the children worrying about where our Elves have gone
    It’s been a fun linky. Thank you

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