I love the changing colours of this season, the sunny crisp mornings and getting out into the fresh air. And then as the darker nights draw in, I am all about staying snuggled up inside, creating a cosy home. As it looks like the weather has really shifted over the weekend and got a lot chillier, and we’ve plenty of rain forecast, I thought today would be a good day to share some feel-good treats this autumn.
Feel-Good Autumn Treats
For me, it’s just got to be candles. I have them burning as soon as the light starts to go each evening and the scents fill the house. The kids love bath bombs, so they are always a little indulgence. Then there are the cakes. Does anyone else find themselves eating more cakes and biscuits as the weather turns colder? No, just me? With steaming hot cups of tea, or even better, whipped cream topped hot chocolates, yum! New books are always a hit here, of course, as are things for the garden. I like to get a few bulbs into the ground now before the frosts begin, which is more of a treat in spring when they all start to push up.
Feel-Good Autumn Style
With the weather turning colder, it’s then got to be time to pick out a new coat, boots, and a whole range of woollies. For autumn, I like to live in denim, corduroy and big chunky jumpers and knits. I also get way too excited when I ‘rediscover’ my socks again, after a summer of flip-flop wearing!
All of the items featured can be found over at Fashion World, if you fancy a browse.
If you are investing in your autumn style, why not treat yourself to a mini makeover too? It’s so lovely to give yourself a pamper and change things up from time to time. You could buy yourself a whole new range of makeup and try things differently, or various virgin hair products from Lilyhair as you can change your whole look in an instant. This will give you a real lift, enjoy the boost.
Feel-Good Autumn Activities
Who is going for it this Halloween? I have to say, we don’t normally do anything here as the kids have never been that interested and they scare quite easily – I do not want to be dealing with nightmares! But this year we have decided to have a ‘Halloween Party’ which involves us dressing up, decorating the house and carving that all-important pumpkin, playing a few Halloween games and then watching a ‘spooky’ movie with Halloween themed sweets. The kids cannot wait!
Aside from Halloween fun, as a family this week we plan to:
Go on a nature hunt at our local forest, and I am sure scooters will be involved!
Create some wild art
Have a board game afternoon
Watch family friendly Halloween films
I also spotted this fun autumn activities checklist for more autumn inspiration, so we’ll print that off and I’m sure the kids will help me to tick plenty of them off.
And feel-good treats for me? I’m thinking hot bubble baths, Yankee Candles burning all day long, and snuggling up under my throw with a good book. And chocolate. And maybe gin? Cannot wait!
What are your go-to feel-good treats this autumn?
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I love chunky jumpers, and tunic jumpers. Basically all the cosy clothes. Mulled wine, mulled cider, or a hot chocolate in front of the fire with a good book or movie. This is the start of my favourite time of year.
Ooh, it all sounds so deliciously cosy!
I hope you have a fab Halloween party! Your blog post has reminded me I need to go shopping for a new coat soon, I tore mine today and the pockets got a hole it so I keep loosing my car keys haha
Oh no, you definitely need a new coat! Thanks x