Festive Family Plans

The season is well and truly here and there’s a lot going on this month! I thought it’d be fun to share a few of our festive family plans, as it might give you a few ideas. I love seeing what people are up to to enjoy and make the most of the holidays with their loved ones, so here’s a glimpse into what we’ll be up to.  

Christmas decorations and the tree

Let’s start here, as it underpins it all, doesn’t it?! 

We like to have the tree and decorations up ready for the 1st December, and the kids love helping to do all of this. Christmas music is played throughout the process!

Their elf then ‘arrives’ on the 1st December, along with their Advent calendars.

Muppet Christmas Carol Day

Yes, the ‘Day’ does warrant a capital letter as it’s that much of a big deal in our family.

I wrote about this here on the blog a few years ago, and of course, the tradition is still going strong.

Last year, due to lock-down restrictions, we had to do this via a watch party, as we couldn’t get together. It’ll be great to watch together in person again this year, and we have the added excitement of introducing this tradition to my niece for the first time. 

Yes, she’ll only be 6 months old, but my daughter was only 3 months old when she had her first viewing, and it all counts! 

Christmas movies

Of course! We have started watching a couple of these each week, and then there will be plenty more when the schools break up. 

There are so many we need to watch, so many favourites. 

Then after the kids go to bed on Christmas Eve, the Husband and I always watch It’s a Wonderful Life. And I cry every year. 

A trip to a National Trust property

We like to visit to a National Trust property around Christmastime. 

The houses are always so pretty with their Christmas trees and decorations. 

We take Herbie with us and have a good walk, all with hot chocolates in hand. 

Writing Christmas cards

Yes, we still write and send cards here.

The children like to send them to their friends and I send out a fair few. 

This is the one of the first things I do in the festive period, so it kicks it all off for me. 

Visit the Christmas tree festival

This one always puts me in a festive mood. 

We visit our local cathedral, which is lovely in itself, to see the Christmas tree festival.

Local schools and businesses decorate the trees and it’s fun to see them all and choose our favourites. 

Christmas food

I’ll be cooking on Christmas Day, so I like to take everyone’s requests ready for the day itself. 

We then ‘have to’ enjoy Yule logs and mince pies all through December and at some point, usually after the kids break up from school, they will build a gingerbread house. 

A visit to Santa Claus

I don’t know how many more years we will get to do this one, so I am now enjoying every one as if it could be my last!

This year we’ve booked in to see Santa at Drayton Manor. We’ve seen him there before and it’s always a lovely meet. There’ll be a grotto to walk through and enjoy, snow falling in Thomasland, a show and a fireworks display. 

I will eat mince pies and drink hot chocolate and soak it all in. 

The Forbidden Forest Experience

OK, so this one isn’t strictly Christmassy, but we’re going the first day of the Christmas holidays and it’s a night-time lit up forest, so I am classing it as a Christmas outing.

It’s a Wizarding World event, and it’s new so I can’t tell you much more as I don’t know quite what to expect myself yet. I’m hoping for Nifflers and butterbeer, so we’ll see.

The kids are excited, as little Potter fans, and I think walking around a lit forest trail will be absolutely magical. 

Christmas Eve stockings

As our elf prepares to depart, he always brings the children their Christmas Eve stockings. 

These will always include new pyjamas to wear that night, some chocolates and then usually an activity, book or toy. 

It kicks the day off well, I love Christmas Eve.

Christmas Eve bedtime

Naturally, things need to be prepared for the big man’s visit.

There’s milk, a mince pie or a cookie (sometimes both if he’s really lucky!) and a carrot for the reindeer.

We then always read Twas the Night Before Christmas at bedtime. It’s a gorgeous picture book version and I think we’ll still be reading it when the kids are both well into their teens!

I am sure there are lots more things that we do each year, and more things we will try for the first time this year, but this gives you an idea of a few of our favourites. 

What are your family’s favourite festive plans? 


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