Fun at CBeebies Land

For Boo’s birthday treat last week, she asked to return to CBeebies Land. She does love theme parks, so we tend to visit one on her birthday – we went to Alton Towers and Splash Landings last year, though that was before CBeebies Land opened. We had been there before, a week after it opened back in May, and we failed to get on a single ride, so we wanted to return and actually go on a few things! And phew, it wasn’t as busy, so we had a lovely day there. We spent the whole time in CBeebies Land, rather than wandering into Alton Towers, which I think made a difference as we remained committed to queuing if need be.

We strolled around Mr Tumble’s Sensory Garden, looking in his spotty bags…

mr tumble

The ride that we had to wait the longest time for was the In The Night Garden Boat Ride, but to be honest, it didn’t feel like 40 minutes, as there were various activities dotted throughout the queue that kept the kids’ attentions, and they are pretty good with things like this. As Little Man’s a fan of this show, he’d been getting excited for days about seeing his favourite, Makka Pakka, so there was no question of not queuing!

itng ride

He loved it.

We then mooched about in Charlie and Lola’s house, as we did last time, and Daddy and Boo went off into Justin’s House Pie-O-Matic Factory. In between rides, we were also nipping to the Big Showtime, where we did catch the Zingzillas. Since then, Little Man has asked to watch them on TV every single day, and he’s never been interested before!

Tree Fu Tom’s Training Camp was a big hit again, and Boo was proud of herself as she climbed right the way to the top of the rope climbing frame – it was pretty high, I was silently panicking! They loved it in there and had to be dragged out in the end!

tree fu tom's training camp

My favourite part was seeing them with the characters, both for different reasons. For Boo, it was something of an achievement, as she’s always shied away from people dressed up like this, and wouldn’t go with Little Man when he queued up to do so, but for some reason, she felt comfortable to wait in line and be photographed with Mike the Knight and Evie..

Mike and Evie

And Little Man got to meet some of his all-time favourites, showed no hesitancy in greeting them, just strolling straight up to them for kisses!

Little Man meets ITNG

We rounded off the day with a Special Delivery, with the pair of them driving us in Postman Pat’s van, while we had a welcome rest in the back!


It was a much more relaxed visit than our last one there, as you’d expect as the season winds down. It felt magical, we all enjoyed it, and the children were full of smiles and yawns as we left.

Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall

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30 thoughts on “Fun at CBeebies Land”

  1. We went not long after it had opened & it was chaotic! What is Justin’s house like? We never went in. They had been saying in twitter about trialling a new queuing system – have they done it?
    I think next summer the girls will love! x

    1. They didn’t have the queuing system working when we were there – maybe they just use it at busy times, I don’t know. Boo loved Justin’s House – lots of balls shooting out of air cannons! x

    1. Yes, I think it’s definitely one for little ones. Boo still likes the shows, but the rides were very tame for her x

  2. Looks like a brilliant day out for Boo’s birthday. It seems as though you all enjoyed yourselves as much as she did. It’s great to see that Boo came out of her shell a bit to meet the characters from the shows, and I love how little man just wanders straight up to them, he’s going to be a confident young man. Thanks for linking up with me on Country Kids

    1. It’s funny, as they tend to be the opposite – she’s full of confidence and he’s really shy with people, but not huge dressed up characters it seems! Thanks x

  3. I wish this had been around a couple of years ago. I love how much effort they’ve put into it, and it even caters for my son’s sensory processing needs. You have taken some great pictures and glad you got to fully enjoy it this time.

    1. Yes, it’s definitely one to enjoy with little ones, and they have put a lot of thought into it. Thank you 🙂

  4. Would love to visit Makapaka’s cave! Looks like a lovely place to visit, I’ve been seeing loads of posts about CBeebies Land and it has actually piqued my interest. I’m sure little T will love it too 🙂 #countrykids.

  5. There’s definitely something to be said for visiting things towards the end of the season-I’m going to bear this in mind I think! It looks and sounds like a lovely day, and worth a visit 🙂

  6. Oh your time there looked fun and going out of school term must’ve been so very different. We went late August and mine absolutely loved it, they enjoyed the sensory and interactive things best – they’re not very adrenalin driven. They still talk about all of the shows, which clearly made an impact. I think the effort’s been put into it really shows through – lots of little details. Glad she had a lovely birthday x

    1. Ah, mine do like rides, though the rides there are a bit slow for Boo! The shows are great, and I was surprised how much my two took to them, as they’re usually just running about! Thank you x

  7. CBeebies Land really does look amazing, I’m a bit sad it’s somewhere we’ll never visit. The boys have grown out of it, and the wee girl doesn’t really know the characters (it’s all Nick shows that are her favourites over here). Both the boys would have loved the In the Night Garden ride when they were little! Me, not so much 🙂 I’m so glad Boo had a great day xx

    1. No, it’s an odd show, isn’t it?! But as Little Man loves it so much, it’ll hold a special place in my heart! Thank you x

  8. It sounds like a great place to visit, love all the different rides/areas they have created. Ethan loves theme parks so I think I better add this one to his todo list x

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