We get sun, then we get rain, then we get sun, then rain – my garden is loving it! As regular readers will know, this is my first year where I’m really into my gardening and I’m appreciating every single flower that blooms out there – quite literally! I look out there every morning, searching about for new developments, and at the moment, they do seem to be coming daily.
Last year I fell in love with Alliums, and so I got a fair few bulbs and planted some up. I have really enjoyed watching them flower..
My mum bought me a peony for my birthday last summer, and I didn’t think it’d be in bud this year, and yet there are several buds on it..
A surprise poppy has appeared..
My herb patch is looking full of life..
The weigela is starting to take over a bed, but it is lovely, so I will let it!
I have aquilega that has self-seeded itself all over the place, and it is so pretty. It’ll be taking over the whole garden by next year, but I don’t mind!
My cut flower patch has got seedlings all over the place coming up – I cannot tell you how excited I am to see this area developing and growing!
I’m not too happy as some creature has been at my beloved roses, and has been chomping on the leaves. I don’t think it’s actually harming them, as they are all coming into bud, and I am feeding them well, but I don’t like to see it! At least my favourite, my Harlow Carr, is starting to flower..
It’s a great repeating rose, as it seems to come into bud every few weeks, and it is beautiful – one that I’d recommend everyone own! And then several of my others are in bud..
And my raspberries are very leafy now, the peas, carrots and radishes are starting to pop up, and Boo’s strawberry patch is looking very healthy, so I look forward to harvesting some home grown food soon.
How’s your garden growing?
Beautiful! I love Alliums. There is something very magical about them x
They are just so pretty!
Wow what a lovely selection you have!! The Alliums are absolutely beautiful I love them!!
Thanks very much x
What a great selection of plants…I spent the weekend potting tomato plants and there’s already something munching away the leaves – it’s so frustrating! I may need to get some dreaded slug pellets at the weekend…sorry slugs!
It is so frustrating. Hope you beat them!
They are gorgeous, and I’ve plenty more still coming through. Thank you, I think so 🙂
Your garden is look beautiful! I also keep going out to see what’s happening each day – and it’s great because something new seems to be happening every time I look. Looks like you are going to have lots of raspberries 🙂
Yes, it’s literally daily, isn’t it?! Thanks x
It certainly is blooming out there. Love the alliums and also your aquilegia which look much more interesting than mine! We have no roses, but am very tempted after seeing yours – beautiful!
Oh, get some roses! David Austin – always gorgeous 🙂
your garden looks absolutely lovely Jocelyn. so many beautiful flowers ans colors! sunshine and rain is the best
Thank you. It’s the perfect combo! X
Oh wow! I’m glad you included the names, as I’ve spied a few things I want for the new garden! I love the first picture. x
Oh good – enjoy! x
This is the first year that we have had Alliums and I too have loved watching them opening. They are such beautiful flowers! I also love your aquilega, we have got some seeds coming through at the moment! x #HDYGG
My aquilega is getting everywhere, and I don’t mind at all – so pretty!
Gorgeous photos – your garden is looking peachy! I have a real soft spot for chive flowers – they are just so sweet. Alliums are a new fave of mine too – they look a little like pompoms I think 🙂
Thanks for sharing this loveliness with us all!
Thanks very much 🙂 Yes, I do love a round flower, so pom pom plants are just perfect! Thanks for hosting x
I love your garden! So much better than min, which is not behaving itself at all! My fault I know but I feel better if I shift some of the blame!
Thank you. Oh yes, never blame yourself 😉
Wow, your garden really is blooming, love the colours, especially the purple!
Thank you – it’s very colourful out there 🙂
Everything is so colorful. I wonder how it feels to be really there in the middle of these beauties. Must be awesome. #HDYGG
It’s lovely to see it all coming to life now. I’ll keep updating you! x
You have a very pretty garden!
Thank you!
Its all so beautiful Jocelyn and I am inspired and yet frustrated at the same time as the garden here is very much my husband’s domain. Unfortunately his style of gardening is basically just mowing and chopping things down. I look out there and whilst it is all very green I see no other colour and its a bit sad. In the past we’ve had all sorts of lovely coloured flowers but every year it seems he hacks and prunes another flowering shrub or bush to extinction. 🙁 Maybe I’ll get some big pots and plant some colourful flowering things and they can be my personal property!! When I see alliums I always think of Phoenix cards – the alliums card used to be a best seller if I remember rightly – I wonder if this is how you became aware of them too? I love peonies too and your rose is particularly beautiful. You’ve taken some absolutely wonderful close up shots. Just lovely X
Thanks so much, Sam. I do love it out there and I enjoy spotting new flowers that I like at garden centres and NT gardens. I think I just spotted alliums out and about, but have since loved that card! I think pots will add great splashes of colour to your garden, and you can move them about to suit, too. Do it – claim back your garden! X
You have such beautiful plants, those purple ones at the start look gorgeous! I’m not great with flowers, I can grow shrubs, bishy type things and fruit plants. Other than that everything dies! x
Oh no! I’m sure it’s not you – must be the soil 😉
I love alliums, mine are still at the bud stage. I also have aquilega self seeding everywhere, they are so delicate, I’m just letting them grow. I love the water droplets on your plants, all this rain is saving us the job of worrying about watering. #hdygg
I’m letting my aquilega get on with it, too, as I’m quite happy to have it everywhere. Yes, the rain is pretty handy! Thanks x
I love peonies and how such a tightly packed bud opens into such a fluffy/frilly large flower.
I’d not thought of it liked that before, but I will from now on!
You’ve got some lovely colours going on there! I picked up a box of mixed seeds the other day, all blues and purples, can’t wait to see what they grow into 🙂
Love that you went for purple a mix 🙂
LOVE that second Alium. What type is that ? I’d love some of those. Do they come up every year now ? I had a peony in my old garden. They’re lovely but are only out such a short time and if you get a lot of rain or wind they’re gone the same as tulips !!
That rose is gorgeous but does it smell ?? I won’t have one that has no scent-seems a real waste. I bought a lovely little one called Little White Pet after my Sparky died and when I moved had to leave it behind which broke my heart but it was just budding beautifully again and I didn’t want to kill it. So I plan to get one here.
I don’t know the types, as I planted a stack of different bulbs all at once!
Oh yes, the rose smells! I only choose roses with scents, as I totally agree with you there. I do hope you can find one that you like for your new home, and I’d definitely recommend this one, though I love pretty much any David Austin rose, as long as it smells!
Your Alliums look gorgeous, I look at your garden with envy as I haven’t been at all organised with ours, I need to really plan what I need to plant this winter for next year. When did you plan yours? I need some in my garden. There also seems to have been loads of beasties at our plants this year, I think because we have something resembling a proper garden now rather than a wasteland! Sorry, I appeared to have borrowed your Project Garden title for my posts about our garden, I must have seen it on here and it’s stuck in my head 🙂 xx
I started working on ideas last summer (Pinterest is a handy place to keep track of them, I found). Just spot things you like and then think about where they’d fit! No worries at all, I enjoyed reading about your Project Garden x