We were compensated for this post
You know by now how much we love to work with the folks over at Books2Door. I mean, it’s no surprise, they have a huge range of books there! As a bonus, the service is good, the delivery is speedy and the books are great value.
Over the summer holidays, we all read quite a bit. Of course we do.
There will always be those downtimes in the day where there’s not much going on and we all just want to unwind for a bit. That’s when we grab our books.
Now, I’d say that generally speaking, my daughter and I lean towards fiction books. My son can go for fiction, activity or non-fiction, it’s a pretty even split for him. Sometimes they will be new books, sometimes we like to re-read old favourites.
We’ve been all been enjoying reading a few new books recently as we have explored Books2Door’s range.
We have dipped into some non-fiction and tried some authors that are new to us.
My son loves to read about football and footballers, so the the Football’s Rising Stars book is just perfect for him.
Both he and my daughter like Twilight, so they just had to get the Twilight companion book.
My daughter reads a lot. She is always going to be back to school ready, reading increases rather than decreases over the summer! She spotted the Secret Series and knew she had to give them a try. She reads a variety of genres and authors so was keen to read these, especially after she saw all of the great reviews.
I like to try new cookbooks from time to time. I always like to get a new one at back to school time as I see September as a fresh start and chance to try new things. Do you do this too? The Eat Well For Less book appealed and I really like the way it’s all laid out.
It’s a good one for new meal inspiration as well as a way to save some money. I’ve a feeling with the cost of living rises and energy prices at the moment, I’m not the only one looking to cut back on the weekly food bill? If this is you, this book is worth a look.
Books2Door always have a huge range of books to tempt us, and the back to school books and non-fiction range are particularly fun to explore at the moment.
As I mentioned last month, Books2Door have also recently launched a new delivery service which is well worth a look if you’re like us and often buying books.
They offer a PLUS+ delivery service, with both Silver and Gold membership options.
You can pay an annual fee for all of your delivery costs, you just need to add your chosen membership to your cart when buying books to get going with this. Choose from:
PLUS+ SILVER = Pay a £6.95 one-off fee and get all orders delivered for the next 12 months (standard shipping, 3-5 working days)
PLUS+ GOLD = Pay a £9.95 one-off fee and get all orders delivered for the next 12 months (express shipping, 1-2 working days)
If you’ve yet to check out Books2Door, why not?! It’s definitely worth a good look around over there. You could have new books in your house before you know it, and you can be smug about the bargains you’ve picked up for you and your family.
What kind of books are you on the lookout for at the moment?
Disclosure: We were compensated for this post