Getting Ready For This Christmas

Is it too early to mention Christmas? I bet for some of you it’s too soon and then some of you have already finished your Christmas shopping! 

I’m falling somewhere in between these two camps. 

It’s on my radar now. 

I’ve booked my Christmas grocery shopping slot, I’ve bought a couple of stocking fillers for the kids and I’m popping a few things into my calendar to help us get into the festive spirit. 

I’m not feeling it at all yet, but hopefully the season will soon grab me, and I know it’ll sneak up on me if I don’t start preparing.

The kids are getting trickier to buy for each year, and of course they had birthdays in September and October so many ideas were exhausted then.

I like to get them fun things that make them smile as well as practical things that they do actually need. 

As Little Man will be starting secondary school next year, he’s hoping for a laptop as he’ll need one for his homework. He’s then usually happy with anything gaming, sportswear and trainers and a few little gadgets and toys.

Boo doesn’t really need anything, but she’s always happy with music, clothes, books, beauty stuff, things like that. And tickets, she loves live music and the theatre so that usually gives us a few options. 

Every year I set a budget for the kids’ gifts and every year I fail to stick to it. Will this be the first year I succeed? We’ll see!

OK, if you’re like me and know that you need to start planning Christmas related stuff but haven’t quite got into gear yet, take this as your sign to get going and here are a few suggestions to make you feel like you’re on it:

Book your Christmas food delivery/turkey pickup/whatever you need to do!

Pop a date on your calendar for getting your tree and decorations up. I realise that this may be a process over a few days for some of you seriously Christmas people, but then I also suspect that if that’s you, you really don’t need this list!

If you have young children, book or plan some sort of Santa visit if that’s something they like to do.

Pick up some Christmas cards, or check your stash if you bought in the sales at the end of last year.

Similarly, grab some Christmas wrapping paper and gift bags when you’re next out shopping. And don’t forget Sellotape. 

If you’ve kids at primary school, get those nativity/carol concert/Christmas assembly dates into your diary now. 

Pick up some Advent calendars if they’re something your family enjoy.

Get a list started with gift ideas for everyone you like to buy for.

If you’re making gifts, make a start now. 

Arrange a date for any festive family get togethers.

Start your Christmas shopping. Yes, I’ve said it. It’s November, I think it’s fine to get shopping now! 

I’m hoping this has helped to get some of you feeling more on top of a few things. I find as long as I’ve done a few of these things, I feel much more organised. I like to go into December with a lot of these things planned and prepared so that I can relax and enjoy the festivities with the kids. 

How are you doing with all things Christmas? 


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2 thoughts on “Getting Ready For This Christmas”

  1. It does get harder to buy the kids presents as they get older. My eldest buys everything she wants now she’s working so I am really struggling. I am thinking about buying her tickets for something.
    I am on top of the Christmas planning at the moment and have quite a few presents bought and the food shop slot booked. I am enjoying myself at the moment watching Christmas films so I am right in the festive spirit. hehehe x

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