Gift Ideas For Kids

This is a collaborative post, we were compensated for this post

Today I want to talk to you about Wicked Uncle and how it has helped me out with gift ideas for kids. 

The team at Wicked Uncle got in touch with me last month looking to collaborate. I have worked with them before, I have bought from them before and I have had friends speak highly of the site to me before, so it was an easy decision. 

I sat down to start working on this post and the obvious starting point was to pop over to their website. And that’s where the magic happened! 

I was writing this piece on the very day that I had realised that my son’s 10th birthday was fast approaching. Now, don’t get me wrong, I do know when his birthday is and we had started chatting about what he’d like to do on the day, but I hadn’t got round to starting to get any gifts. And I thought I’d better start thinking about that!

I went over to the website and the homepage is set up so that you can shop in a number of different ways. Central to these suggestions is to simply select the gift recipient, so I popped in Boys Age 10. 

I was then presented with dozens and dozens of gift ideas that I knew he would love. Yes, I am working with them, but I can assure you this is absolutely true!

He is lucky enough to have family that all like to treat him so I know they will be asking me for ideas of what they can get him. I don’t have to think hard about it now, I will just pick a load of stuff from the Wicked Uncle suggestions as so many of them are spot on.

What does this say about my son? About 10 year old boys? That they are predictable? Maybe! But I think what it does it give you a great selection of suggestions, with a good variance in price range too, so you are bound to find something appropriate. 

He already has a few of the suggestions, which I think is a good sign that they are along the right lines. And then it’s given me plenty of ideas for other things that I know he would like.

I can see this being perfect if you’re unsure about what to get for a friend or relative, or if you’re looking for a good number of ideas that you can then suggest to others, as in my case. 

For me, these are those extra gifts we can pick up for him, or family will choose to get him.

He knows that he wants the latest football kit for his favourite football team, he knows that he wants some trainers and football boots. But beyond that, he hasn’t many ideas so this will help me to get him a few other surprise gifts. 

Of course, having checked it out for my boy, I then had to try it for my girl.

Hmm, more hit and miss on this one to be honest. And I think that may be because my daughter will want a whole load of books, so she isn’t as catered to quite as well here. I don’t know where she gets this love of books from?!

As any teen girl is likely to, she will also want clothes. And again, Wicked Uncle is not a clothes shop. So it does get a bit trickier for teen girls, I think. 

However, where it excels is in giving a few more of those fun gifts, games and gadgets that I know she will appreciate.

She hasn’t gone full teen yet, she still leans towards wanting to receive a few fun and playful presents, and it did suggest a few games that I know she’d enjoy so I have some ideas.

As with my boy, it’s given me some inspiration for things to suggest to others that are looking to gift something to her for her birthday – it’s a month after my son’s, so not that far away either!

Have you used Wicked Uncle for gift ideas? How did you find it? If you’ve not explored their ideas yet, go check it out for the child in your life and let me know whether it worked out for you. I hope it helps!

Disclosure: This is a collaborative post, we were compensated for this post

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