blogging plans

Goal Setting For 2022

I spent some time last week goal setting for 2022 with a friend. We both thought about what we’d like to do and achieve this year.

It was good to do this, to have that moment to really stop and think about it. Honestly and clearly.

It enables you to look out at the year ahead, it’s potential, and to consider how you would like to spend it.

For me, much of it is about how I want to feel this year. I have found focusing in that way enables me to work out my goals quite quickly. 

Wanting to feel motivated and excited about work. Wanting to feel relaxed at home, with fun adventures to look forward to and embark upon. 

blogging plans

We split our lists into work and personal goals. There needs to be that separation as the funny thing about working for yourself, at home by yourself most of the time, is that the two areas can merge together all too often. It can be tricky to separate work from everything else as my work is always here. 

I often find myself popping to my desk of an evening or over the weekend, and as so much of what I do is online and on social media, it’s inevitable that the hours don’t really turn off on that one.

I am finding that I am getting much better at switching off when I need to, seeing the benefit of being able to work this flexibly, rather than getting sucked into always working. I am keen to get that balance right this year. 

Work-wise, I want to grow and along with continuing many of the things that I already do here, I’ve a few fresh things to try. I do then have a couple of new ideas that I want to develop this year. I like to be challenged by work so new ideas keeps things interesting for me, and hopefully for you too.

At home, we have some changes that we’d like to make to our house that I’m hoping we can arrange. Personally, I have a few new things that I would like to learn and try this year. I also want to strike that ever-elusive balance between enjoying some rest and having fun with friends and family, along with keeping everything nice and organised and running smoothly. Ah, the eternal challenge!

I have various goals written down, of course, and I plan to check in on them throughout the year. I have also moved some of them into my bullet journal and I have been able to complete that first spread detailing goals, my word of the year and quote of the year.

Everything falls into place when goal setting in this way, I find. Think about how you want to feel and ‘be’ this year, then work backwards from that to set some goals. It’s been fun to do, now I just need to crack on and actually work towards them all. Wish me luck!

Have you set yourself goals for this year?

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