Boo does not enjoy getting her haircut, but I persuaded her it’d be a good idea, as it would mean we could go, just us girls, on a ‘girls trip’. She’s a fan of a girls only outing, so she did start looking forward to it then.
After the cut, she was very cute, preening herself and swishing her hair about. She was desperate to show off her new look to Daddy. Unfortunately, we encountered a bit of traffic on the short journey home. She started panicking. ‘Its OK, we’ll be home soon’ I reassured her, assuming she was worried we’d be late for our play date that afternoon. ‘But will my hair grow while I’m stuck here, and I won’t be able to show Daddy?’
Either her hair has miraculously fast growing properties, or she was seriously pessimistic about that traffic jam!
That is so sweet and soooo funny! Bless her, will her hair grow by then. Too cute!! Thanks for sharing hun. Loved it. #wotssofunee
Thank you! It made me giggle 🙂
Oh bless here! I think little man is hoping for those fast hair growing qualities after the tantrum he threw over having his hair cut!
Oh no. I’m dreading getting Little Man’s cut!
haha bless her, so cute! Glad she enjoyed the trip to the hairdressers though! 🙂 xx #wotsofunee
Thank you! She did make me laugh 🙂
Oh that is just so sweet – bless her lovely swishy do! Thanks for joining in lovely 🙂
Thank you! And thanks for hosting x
It’s so funny what runs through their mind. Erin also doesn’t like people cutting or playing with her hair, but as soon as I mention the hairdressers, she’s all for it, it’s something to do with sitting in that chair that does it x
It most make them feel grown up or special?! It’s cute anyway x
Made me laugh 🙂 Sounds like she enjoyed her trip to the hairdresser after all!
Yes, all was well in the end! X
Love it! She really looks like you in that photo too.
Ah, thanks. Poor girl…!
I love how their little minds work (she does look so cute in that photo too)
It’s funny to listen to her! And thank you 🙂
Aww, bless her. So sweet when they get so excited about something.
Thanks 🙂
That is seriously funny. You can never really say about traffic jams, can you? Or about hair for that matter 🙂 #funee
Nope, can’t trust either!
Awww so sweet! I hope you aren’t still in that jam….. 😉
Ha ha – no we’re home safe & sound!
I must get my girls haircut again. She just screamed the last time I tried as evidently princesses don’t get their haircut? This is a fact I was unwareof! Grrrrr xxx
How could you not know that?! X
This really made me giggle. Hope Daddy liked her haircut 🙂 #funee
Yes, fortunately he did! X
Oh she is too cute! LP is now 2 and a half and I haven’t yet got her hair cut. I’m at the point where I’m starting to think it might be a good idea but also a bit sentimental as she was born with so much hair and the longer I leave cutting it the harder it is! x
Thanks! I delayed Boo’s, too, especially as she had gorgeous curls at the ends when she was 2, that have now all gone, alas…
That is so sweet!!
I know!
Love it! And what a lovely, grown up picture!
Thank you – I know, she’s growing so fast!
How gorgeous! We are planning on taking M for his first one tomorrow. I’m dreading it as he won’t let us near his hair. He’s going with his dad so hopefully he will help him feel brave! x
Hope that works – I’ll be dreading Little Man’s first cut!
She really does look like you in that picture and I’m sure she’d be delighted to hear that too :-))
Ah, thank you 🙂
Oh bless her – glad she liked her haircut and the photo is just gorgeous. Hope the traffic jam was short-lived enough that Boo’s new hairdo remained intact! Thanks for linking up to #ftmob 🙂
It didn’t seem to have grown much by the time we got home! Thanks for hosting x
oh that’s just brilliant! So cute! Hope ye weren’t delayed too much x
Thank you! No, just a few minutes! x
Aww! Bless her that’s so sweet and very funny! x
Thanks, Kim 🙂
Aww bless, that’s so cute.
Such a gorgeous photo =)
Thank you 🙂 x
What a lovely New hair do! glad it lasted for her to show Daddy 😉 xx
What a relief! 😉 x
She looks really pretty.
I have four girls with long hair and I hate combing it out in the morning.
At least it does not grow in traffic.
Thank you. She hates having hers brushed, which is a pain, so I can;t imagine having four complaining at me! Yes, that was a relief!