I cannot believe that my baby boy is 7 years old today. 7 seems so grown up!
7 years ago today, we were at the hospital for 7am, getting ready to meet our son for the first time, a planned C-Section. We were expecting a bundle of chunky squishiness, just as Boo had been nearly three years earlier, yet we actually got a very long, very slim baby! A baby that was content as long as he was on me, a baby that fed well, slept well and wanted to cuddle all day, every day!
The years have flown by so quickly. We seem to have gone from newborn to schoolboy in the blink of an eye.
Little Man makes me smile every single day. He is funny, he is bright, he is mischievous and he is passionate. He is very affectionate and has a strong sense of loyalty to those that he loves. He is tenacious and, at times, relentless! He also knows how to get around me as I struggle to resist his little face and cuddles.
Little Man is popular at school and he has some lovely friends. He is kind and thoughtful and always tries his very best. He has done well there so far, settling into the routines and giving all that he has to his school work.
At 7 years old, Little Man loves:
Herbie, macaroni cheese, playing on the PlayStation and Switch, Lego, Marvel, pizza, Star Wars, Disney World, sweets, Boo, Dog Man, Dr Seuss, Superzings, films and ice lollies. Seriously, if he only had these things in his life, he would want no more!
Over the weekend he took his best friend to mini-golf, the amusement arcades and McDonalds, before coming home to play with toys and on the PlayStation together. All his ideas and he had the very best day celebrating.
Today the children are both back to school, so yes, first day of school after six weeks off to celebrate his birthday! He will be starting in year 2 today and is looking forward to it.
It’s the first birthday he has had at school, but he tells me he is happy to go back and see all of his friends. I suspect that it helps that he has sweets to give them all and he will be looking forward to coming home to his birthday cake (Spiderman), his grandparents, a takeaway pizza and a movie night.
Happy birthday, my beautiful Little Man, I am so very proud of you.
Happy birthday to your Little Man. How is he 7 already! He’s grown up so fast!
I hope he had a fab birthday and both of your kids had a fab first day back at school. x
Thank you! Oh, I know, he’s really not so little any more! They did, thanks. I hope your girls settle into their new routines x