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If you’re spending any amount of your working week in a home-based office, then you might have thought about making a few key investments. After all, if you can spend a little money in order to make yourself more productive, then the investment will probably be worthwhile.
Ergonomic and Functional Hardware
When it comes to computer hardware, your monitor is arguably the most important investment. Look for something that’s within your price range, and that will allow you to see exactly what you’re doing. Depending on your workload, you might invest in two monitors, or even more than that. Mount them on the wall to free up space on your desk. If you have Thunderbolt 4, then a compatible monitor, like Dell’s U2724DE, is sure to appeal. Where compatibility is a concern, you might look at the range of connectors and adapters now available.
The input device might matter, too. Test out mechanical keyboards, and see what difference they can make to the speed and ease with which you can type. If you’re going to be typing on this keyboard for eight hours a day, for years on end, then spending hundreds of pounds on a good one might be justified.
Your mouse might also make a big difference. Look for comfortable mice with cutting-edge features, like the infinite scrolling tech you get on Logitech’s latest mice.
If you have many different computers in your home office, then you might consider investing in a KVM switch so that you can effortlessly move between them, while keeping yourself on the same single keyboard and mouse.
Advanced Communication Tools
It might be that you need to contribute to meetings at work from your home office. This being the case, the right webcam can make a difference, as can the right microphone. You might look for devices that include noise cancellation, especially if you live in a busy household. Investing wisely will help to ensure that your contributions to the next Zoom meeting aren’t a pixelated, inaudible mess.
The software you choose might also matter – though in many cases this will be dictated by your work commitments. Be on the lookout for tools that facilitate collaboration, and which leverage new technologies, like AI.
Smart Office Accessories
Many modern offices incorporate specific kinds of tech, which are designed to promote movement and keep you healthy. A standing desk is a great example. Look for one that can be electronically raised and lowered – but don’t view it as a substitute for getting up and exercising every so often.
Finally, time-management devices can make a big difference – especially for minds that have difficulty focusing. Having a stopwatch, or an hourglass, on your desk can help you to focus – and to work breaks into your routine.
Disclosure: This is a collaborative post