I’ve recently taken up knitting. My mum is surprised and delighted.
So why the surprise? My mum is one of those ‘traditional’ mums. She knits, bakes, sews, loves gardening and DIY – be it wallpapering, tiling, shelving, reupholstering – she’ll do it! And she’s good at all of the above. Me? Not so much..!
But this new foray into knitting has been fun. I’ve been lucky to have both my mum and my mum-in-law on hand to help me, and both are great knitters, with about 100 years of experience between them! It was my birthday recently, so my mum made me a knitting bag, full of wool and needles, and my sister-in-law gave me a great book full of quirky patterns. So far, I’m still ‘practising’ my stitches. The patterns are scaring me a little, though I know I need to actually attempt one soon before my interest wanes. I will. I promise. I’ll update you when I do.
As I’ve never considered myself to be remotely creatively talented or skilled, my venture into knitting seems to have unlocked something else. And I think it’s timing with having had both children now (we’re happily stopping at two) and feeling like they’re here so let’s start living! Since my knitting, I’ve started trying out recipes and I’m baking more now, along with trying many more creative and messy play projects with the kids. And my mind, well it’s abuzz with new ideas, plans and fresh challenges. It’s almost like, I’ve mentally shrugged myself out of the pigeon-hole I’d made for myself and I’m redesigning me!
I’ve always believed you can do anything you want and be anything you want. I’m a born optimist. I hope to pass this positive outlook on to my children. And I subscribe to the ‘it’s never too late’ and ‘life’s too short’ schools of thought.
So I now look to the future wondering what else I could do. What new things might I be good at? What adventures can I carve out?
All because I have mastered casting on, knitting and purling. And I haven’t even created anything yet, or learned how to cast off. I wonder how I’ll feel when I’ve accomplished that…?!