laptop and pencil case

Is It Half Term Yet?

Is it half term yet? Nearly, the end is in sight!

How’s everyone doing? How is the homeschooling going? As you can probably tell by the title of this post, I am more than ready for half term.

This half term has been hard. It has felt soooo long.

Homeschool is quite different to when we did it last year. In some ways better, in some ways worse. 

The important thing is that the kids are OK. They miss their friends, they want to be in school, but they get it and they are getting their work done each day.

We have found routines that work. The days seem to fly by. And drag on. You know how this lockdown thing works!

Their school has them online with their classmates twice a day, and then at a few other times so they do get to hear from their friends. They look forward to being with them again.

laptop and pencil case

I feel for them both. My daughter is missing out on her last year at primary school with her friends, all of those milestones ticking by. My son loves nothing more than playing football with his friends every day and he is really missing them. Zoom chats just don’t cut it when all he wants to do is run around and play with them. 

It is how it has to be, and I am well aware that they are fortunate to be home and safe, learning here. It’s just those little things, isn’t it?

I am so glad that they get on well together and play with each other every day when homeschool ends. And with spring just around the corner, I am hoping for lighter, warmer days and more time spent outside. 

Juggling their needs with work is challenging. Of course it is. I am very grateful that I work for myself and can choose my own hours. There aren’t many tasks that I have to do at a certain time, so I can usually be on hand to support the children when they need it.

I get the majority of my work done before and after school work and pick up what I can as they work, though it is limited as they take over the computer and laptop. 

We manage. We are OK. 

I have made a few discoveries along the way, I am sure there will be many more. 

I know I am at my most impatient with them when I am trying to concentrate on work at the same time that they need me. So I try not to whenever possible, no-one needs that extra stress! Again, I know I am fortunate to be able to shuffle things around in this way, and I do so whenever I can.

I do not enjoy Teams. It irritates me immensely.

It’s difficult to really imagine how many times you will hear the word ‘mum’ in such a short space of time until homeschooling. 

I am happier with year 6 maths than year 3 maths. Year 6 maths, with algebra, percentages and fractions, makes sense to me, they are as they have always been. Year 3 maths? What is happening here?!

I have also noticed that neither of the kids have covered either of the subjects that I know best, the ones I actually studied at length and could be of some assistance with. Where is the History and RE work?! Maybe next half term. Maybe. Actually, scratch that, I don’t want to think about next half term!

Right, let’s do this then. The week is beckoning, the kids need to kick me off this computer. One more week then we can breathe a sigh of relief. We can do this….

How are you getting on with homeschool life?

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