I’ve written my ‘work blog’ post for today, but it feels like one that really shaped our happenings in the Reading Residence, so I felt it was worth sharing over here, too..
Today feels like a momentous day. Why? It’s my Phoenix Anniversary. Three years ago today, I took the plunge and started my own business selling cards, stationery and gift wrap. It feels odd to be thinking back on it, as while I know three years isn’t that long, it feels like a lifetime ago. You see, when I made that decision, I was still employed and about to return to work after 10 months maternity leave. I was sad about having to do so, desperate not to leave my daughter and Phoenix was the only business I’d found that appealed not just to my desire to work for myself, but actually made me feel excited about what I’d be selling and doing. A business I could feel proud of. I did return to work, for 2 days, and then on resigning, my Phoenix journey really began (it had to!).
And what a journey it’s been! So with many new friends, new experiences, lovely customers met, fun coffee mornings and memories under my belt, along with the enjoyment of having introduced plenty of other people to this business so that they, too, could be celebrating a three year anniversary soon, I sit here now reflecting on what I’ve built.
With my daughter now three and off to preschool for a couple of days in September, and my son nearly 11 months old, I’m proud that I have built anything at all around looking after them full time! It’s a business that’s allowed me to be at home with them and see every milestone, so my love of the company and it’s products aside, I’m thankful that it’s given me that. Time I can’t get back. But then it’s given me so much more. From being a fully-fledged career woman to stay at home mum is odd, but I kept a little ‘me’ by having my own business to challenge me. It’s given me a ‘Phoenix family’ of traders, both more experienced, and those that I’ve introduced, and then there are the cards. Wow, the cards. The products I get to sell just get better and better every single new release. I really believe that. I get tired of hearing myself say to people ‘oh, you should see the new cards, they’re the best yet..’, but they are!
So three years on, I’m here, still happy, more passionate about my business and, most importantly for me, having fun watching my children grow each day 🙂
You should be very proud of yourself xx
Thank you x