It’s a #BringBackPaper day, so I am bringing you a guest post from the lovely Paper Obsessed, as she shares with us her love of journaling and her top tips on why you should keep one, or two, or three…
Journaling has been a large part of my life ever since I was a child. I was always the one scribbling down notes about her day, writing bits of stories, sticking in pictures from Smash Hits and photos of my friends into a special notebook. Over the years my journal keeping has evolved but, although the pictures from Smash Hits may have disappeared, my journal still remains a record of my life. Now in my thirties I have the wonderful opportunity to look through a few decades worth of journals and notebooks and remember the amazing (and not so amazing!) times and places of my life. I won’t lie and say some of them aren’t truly embarrassing and over the years there are a few I have disposed of (eek!) but the majority are there waiting to be a doorway into my past. So to help Jocelyn celebrate the amazingness of all things papery I thought I would share my top three reasons for keeping a journal!
1) As I mentioned above it is a great way to help remember both the little and big details and events of life. My journal acts as a great way to remember all those things in life I might forget. We all know how the passing of time can contribute to the fading of memories!
2) Journaling can be a great help when trying to work through problems or decisions to be made. Often when I am feeling a bit lost or frustrated, writing in my journal can help me delve into the root of the problem and work out the way forward.
3) Journals can allow for great creativity. There are many different types of journal and most importantly there is no wrong or right way! Some of my journals are simply notebooks filled with writing, others are Smash Book style with things stuck here, there and everywhere and some are art journals where paint and paper meet! I have kept online journals and used journaling software and I have kept journals on record cards, on a blog and in a Filofax. All suited me at the time and all allowed me to be as creative as I want. All I say is never be scared of a blank page! Make your journal suit you!
There could quite easily be reasons 4 onwards but I think the above are the three key ones to think about if you are thinking of starting a journal. However I think the reason that doesn’t even need to be written down is…the opportunity to buy notebooks!
Thanks for reading!
Find me at Paper Obsessed!
Thanks so much for sharing, Paper Obsessed! The only journals that I currently keep on books for each of the children that I write in on their birthdays. I’m considering starting up a gardening journal next, so thanks for the tips, and yes, it would be another opportunity to buy a notebook 😉
Hope you enjoyed reading, too? Do you journal?
I can really relate to this post! I have been keeping a diary since I was 9 (but I have never thrown one away!). These journals are my most valuable possessions and I love reading one from time to time. Mel
Oh, how lovely to be able to look back like that x
Mel I love finding fellow diary and journal keeps! Be pleased you haven’t thrown any away- I sometimes really regret it!
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