The fabulous Cbeebies Live is back and on tour! This time it’s all about Justin & Friends: Mr Tumble’s Circus..
It’s touring the country now and promises to be a huge spectacular show for young children, with favourites such as dino-mad Andy, Robert the Robot and Little Monster (I do like him!), Mr Tumble and relatives, and Gigglebiz characters. You can get a better feel for it all here..
It looks absolutely fabulous!
Both of my children watch CBeebies and have so many favourites. Something Special has always been enjoyed by both of them, and pretty much every other little person I’ve ever met! My Little Man is obsessed with Justin, enjoying Mr Tumble, Justin’s House and most especially Gigglebiz, as I know I’ve written about here before. We watch it Every.Single.Day.! He must have seen every episode so many times now, and he still laughs out loud throughout. Whenever he has a new cuddly toy, he wants to name them Gigglebiz, and when he’s in his own little imaginary world playing, I frequently hear Gigglebiz characters making an appearance! And today, as we’ve literally just arrived home from our holiday, the first thing Little Man has asked for? Gigglebiz! So when I saw that the likes of Keith Fitt will be in the show, I started to actually burst a little bit with excitement (I am not exaggerating either!).
For the full CBeebies Live details, tour dates and to buy tickets, click here and you can find them over on Facebook, too. They’re bound to be coming to a place near you soon!
Would your little ones enjoy this one?
Disclosure: Written in collaboration with CBeebies Live
Justin is a big fan in our house in all his guises – I’m sure the show will be full of energy and silliness that makes the children laugh. Whilst I don’t think anyone can be as big as fan as your Little Man, I fear we may be setting off to this to enjoy a healthy dose of Justin!
It looks great, doesn’t it? Oh my Little Man loves him so much!!