When the team at McCain got in touch inviting us to get involved with their Kids Teatime Takeover campaign, I knew it was one for us. McCain want to champion the simple joys of teatime this autumn by hijacking every Thursday night of the week where mums and kids can connect over food by simply swapping roles and encouraging kids to takeover the helm in the kitchen. My daughter doesn’t need all that much encouragement to take over, so as I suspected, this has gone down very well here!
Today was our first Kids Teatime Takeover, and both of the kids have absolutely loved it. It was the first thing Boo talked about when she woke up this morning and ‘teatime takeover’ were literally her first words to me this afternoon as I picked her up from school. I kid you not. And yes, that was before ‘hello’.
She’s been looking forward to it since we discussed it last week and she planned the meal. I think it’s a great thing for kids to have to think about, and it gave her some writing practice, too, as she wrote her shopping list down for me. She decided to go for pizza and fries, followed by ice cream with sprinkles – yum!
As soon as we got home from school, the kids were asking to start cooking. It was a nice simple one to do, and it was good to see both of them getting involved….
I love this shot of both Little Man and Boo looking totally engrossed and very industrious…
It all tasted good and the children were clearly very proud of themselves. Rightly so.
Of course, this is now going to be a regular Thursday event in our house now. It was great to see how much Boo took to it and how Little Man enjoyed getting involved, so thanks to @McCainUK for the inspiration!
What do you think? Would your kids like to take part in the #kidsteatimetakeover every week?
Disclosure: Written in collaboration with McCain
I love this idea. It’s something that I did with my five year old during the summer holidays. We would come up with a three course menu once a week, write the shopping list, shop for everything and then he would do the cooking with me. It was fab. And he ended up trying lots of new food too. There’s a few child vloggers that cover food and cooking. It’s a cool thing for them to be interested in.
It is, and such a great way to try new foods. My daughter is already planning next week’s menu.
We did this – and did pizzas too! So much fun to get the kids involved in cooking dinner! x
It’s fun, isn’t it? Great minds! X
I think I need to make a pizza with z, it looks simple enough and lots of fun without toooo much mess 🙂
Yes, he’ll be fine! If I could cope with my Little Man doing it, doing it with Z will be a breeze! Have fun x
they really did get engrossed with their pizza making! lovely to see children get involved with helping in the kitchen isn’t it? x
They loved it! They did it again this week, so it’s a nice new habit here to stay. X