Little Man is 2!

Today my son turns 2. I can hardly believe it. It only seems like yesterday that he arrived, and yet in other ways, it feels like he’s always been here.

If you read about his rocky start in life, with me bleeding throughout the first half of the pregnancy, you’ll know that we only bonded when he was placed in my arms, as until then I could not really believe that all would be OK. But he was OK, and he is OK, and now that I know him, I should have known he’d hang on – he’s pretty hardy!

I’ve looked back at the post I wrote on his first birthday. In his first year, he was laid-back, cuddly, slept well and loved his food. Much of that remains true today, though I’m not so certain about his temperament now. He can tantrum and scream with the best of them, and he has a very short fuse, so he may be a little less laid-back than I’d originally thought!

He talks a lot now, stringing 4 and 5 words together, and even if others can’t always understand him, I know what he wants. He loves cars, tractors and trains, and he likes to build, and then destroy. He doesn’t really sit still to watch much TV, but he does like Peppa Pig, The Muppets and he still has that love for Makka Pakka! But most of all? Most of all he loves chocolate and Mummy cuddles, probably in that order!

He’s bright, he’s shy around new people and places, he’s always busy – usually climbing or doing things he shouldn’t be, and he’s sensitive and loving. He adores his sister, and she loves him above everyone else. I’m a very proud mummy.

little man turns 2

Today, we’ve been fortunate enough to be asked to go along to Thomasland for a screening of a new Thomas the Tank Engine movie, and the timing could not have been better. Little Man’s favourite place in the world is Thomasland! I ask him every day what he’d like to do today, and every day, he responds with ‘Choo Choo’! So, today, on his birthday, I need not disappoint, and we will go and ride that Thomas train. And then we will have cake, balloons, grandparents and presents – what more could my son want?!

Happy Birthday, my beautiful boy.

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18 thoughts on “Little Man is 2!”

  1. Beautiful post – what a rocky start though and what a huge relief it must have been when Little Man was placed in your arms. Gorgeous photo of your birthday boy too. Happy 2nd birthday Little Man and hope you all have a wonderful day at Thomasland x

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