Little Man is 10 today, double figures!
As I’m sure every parent will say, I don’t know where the time has gone, I can’t believe my baby is already 10.
He came into the world a little after 11am 10 years ago today. He was a long and slender baby and remains pretty much the same as a 10 year old boy!
Little Man is affectionate, funny, self-assured, bright, loyal and sporty. He can exasperate me like no other, but then he can fill me up with happiness like no other.
As the summer draws to a close, he is not looking forward to going back to the usual routines and school. But I know once he gets back there and settles in, he’ll be fine. He does well at school. He has a great group of friends there, he has been friends with his best mate since nursery and they remain inseparable.
This year he has started playing for a local football team and he’s got into cricket for the first time and plays for a cricket team. He loves the game and has been to a few matches at Edgbaston. He is even saying that he might like cricket more than he likes football, which is a surprise as he really loves football. Maybe Aston Villa’s current form is putting him off the game?!
Little Man at 10 loves football, Herbie, watching YouTube, cricket, macaroni cheese, gaming, Disney parks, movies, playing with his sister, pizza, his cousins, and just lounging about at home.
He is a homebody, and would be quite content staying home every day of his life.
If he has free time, he wants to be playing outside, gaming, or he’ll settle down to read.
Today he wants to open his gifts, play on his PlayStation, have fun at Ninja Warrior, have his birthday cake with his grandparents, get a takeaway and watch the cricket or the football this evening.
It’s a day that sums him up perfectly. If my boy could spend all of his time gaming, watching or playing sport and eating, he would!
We’ll have a birthday buffet with family tomorrow and he’s having his friend over for a birthday sleepover soon, he likes to keep on celebrating his birthday for as long as he can. Who wouldn’t?!
Happy birthday, Little Man. Love you loads.
Where has the time gone!! Time does fly! He sounds like such a lovely young man. It sounds like he had a good day planned. Happy birthday to him. x
It really does! And thanks very much x