Last Monday we went along to Little Man’s parents induction meeting at school. We found out who is teacher will be, checked whether his friends will be with him, looked around his classroom and bought a variety of bags, bottles, kit and uniform. It appears that this is really happening.
The good news is that he will be in the same class as his three closest friends from nursery. I think this will really help him settle in and makes the thought of school a lot more appealing to him knowing he can be with his mates all day. It’s a relief.
It felt like there was a lot less information to take in second time round, but then that’s probably because I am so familiar with the school and the practicalities now, it does seem so much easier. And I was expecting, and had planned for, everything that I’d be prompted to buy! I need to go and get his shoes and the rest of his uniform, along with Boo’s, and he is excited about that trip.
He will be in the same house as Boo and will start school on the 5th September, afternoons only for that first week and settling in with just half the class. Then he’ll be full time from the following Monday. It’ll be a couple of days after his fifth birthday, so I know he will just focus on his upcoming birthday and will only have a day to then think about school.
It’s funny because I haven’t given as much thought to how I feel about him starting school as I did with Boo. With Little Man my thoughts and concerns have all been centred on him and how he will adjust, whereas with Boo I knew she’d be absolutely fine so I spent more time getting upset about how I felt about it. I think it will creep up on me and then before I know it he’ll be at school and I’ll be missing him and crying over how quiet the house is. I am so glad that I have decided to study full time, so I will have lots to keep me busy otherwise I could be a mess!
Today Little Man will go into school for his first settling in session. He is nervous. It’s only a 45 minutes session and his friends will be there, so I just hope that after this session his nerves will settle and be overtaken by excitement. We will see….
Have you got a little one starting school soon?
It all sounds so daunting! My boy is only two but I know it’s going to be his turn in a blink of an eye. We’re going to try nursery again in September and I think he’ll take to it more this time. We went for a look around last week and he didn’t want to leave! Much better start than last time. It didn’t help that we tried settling in at the same time as moving house and he wasn’t even 18 months old – a lot to take in.
The time does fly by somehow! I hope his nursery session goes well, sounds positive if he didn’t want to leave!
I know what you mean about not being so concerned about the second one starting. I wasn’t until Alfie broke his leg in the summer hols! Because I had to concentrate on him I missed Harry going into Year One for his first day so I felt super guilty about that. I had a second, first day with Alfie though because I was with him for the first three weeks every day because he was in a wheelchair some of the time. On the day I had to leave him for a first, regular school day it was a really strange feeling. It sounds like you are all organised, though, and that Little Man is excited so all good.x
We’re feeling pretty organised and he really enjoyed his first session, so fingers crossed we’ll be ok! x
It seems so different second time around….I was a lot more relaxed when my youngest started.
Ahh! That’s great your little man is in the same class as his friends. I hope he settles in well.
Enjoy your summer together. I am sure it will be September before we know it x
Yes, very different as we’re used to so much of it already. He enjoyed his first session so hoping he’ll be fine x