Melissa and Doug Wooden Princess Mirror – Review

When Cre8ive Kidz got in touch with me after reading our Djeco Collage Kits review, asking us if we’d like to review more of their products, I jumped at the chance. Boo loves to try anything crafty and creative, so I knew that she’d be delighted and more than willing to play her part in reviewing!

We received a Melissa and Doug Wooden Princess Mirror, which comes in a lovely wooden presentation box.


As you can see, the box includes 3 glitter glues, glue, jewels and stickers to use to decorate your sturdy, wooden mirror. Lots of fun!

mirror2mirror3Boo got straight onto it, going for the pink glitter tube first, obviously..! There are plenty of accessories in the pack, as we covered the front without even using any stickers. But do not worry, they didn’t go to waste, there’s always the back..!

Boo really enjoyed designing her own mirror like this, and while we were doing it, she was chattering away about it being a magic mirror. Apparently, after it’s been decorated and all dried, she needs to check whether it is magic… Only she can tell, so I’m advised..!

She checked on it all day as it needed some time to dry, and then as soon as it was dry, she whisked it away to her bedroom, where I assume she checked it over for magical properties 😉

Overall, this was an enjoyable crafty activity to do together, one morning, while Little Man was napping and we had some one-on-one time. I think it’d make a lovely gift for a young girl, or I was thinking perhaps an activity to do or a take home gift from a party. At the moment they’re priced at just £5.60.

Disclaimer: We were sent this item for the purposes of this review. As always, all opinions and comments are honest and remain my own (and Boo’s).

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