My 5 Budgeting Resolutions

With 2014 beginning, I like to get things in order, which will always include checking out our cash! I’ve come up with 5 simple things that I’ll do this year, that should improve our finances.

my 5 budgeting resolutions

Meal Planning
I did this sporadically last year, and when I did, it made a difference all round. Meals were healthier, I was better prepared and it was definitely more cost-effective as I just bought exactly what we needed. I’m getting back to it and I have my weekly planner all ready to go again!

Monthly Clear-Outs
This one will make me feel good! I like to de-clutter anyway, but I do find each time that I do it that I find things that I could be using or upcycling rather than buying new, and I often find things I could pop on Gumtree, Play or send to Music Magpie or some such place, so can make a little cash, too. Each month, I plan to clear out a different area in the house, and make my way round by the end of the year, including the shed – not an exciting prospect, but it needs a tidy up and who knows what hidden gems may be lurking in there…?

Reviewing our D/D’s and Bills
I do think it’s important to sit and do this at least annually. I’ll go through our accounts, check that all of the payments are necessary, and then review any that I may be able to shop around for and change, call up and get a better plan etc., from things like utilities, insurances, phones. It’s not the most exciting exercise, but when you save some cash it livens it up a little!

My 365 Jar
I’ve seen quite a few people doing this, and it’s pretty simple. Every day of the year, I add a £1 coin to a jar, so that I’m saving a little daily. I’ll then use the £365 to pay for a chunk of Christmas.

Grab Deals!
I do like to do this, and it really makes a difference. I buy gifts over the year, when I see great deals, and I buy the kids next size up wardrobe in the sales, too. And when I buy, I also check for voucher and promotional codes before I checkout, as I’ve made some good savings like that, too (I tend to do a lot of on-line shopping). I plan to continue with this, and also look for second-hand buys more often, as I rarely do this.

And of course, as I watch the pennies that go out, I’ll keep an eye on those coming in, so I’ll be continuing to grow and enjoy my cards business.

What will you be doing? Please do share your budgeting tips!

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16 thoughts on “My 5 Budgeting Resolutions”

  1. Good idea. One of my decisions this year is to buy gifts when I see them throughout the year, rather than waiting until Christmas time. I think it spreads the cost much better.

  2. Meal planning reduces waste and I think it makes less stressful. Before that I used to get to 4pm & then start thinking what are we going to eat today & realising that I didn’t have the right stuff.

  3. Meal planning is something I swear by, as well as online shopping rather than going to the supermarket. Sticking to a shopping list and being able to really review what you’re buying before you checkout is such a great way to save money. It’s unbelievable how much more we spend when we don’t have a set list to shop from!

    1. You’re so right it makes a huge difference, and as it adds up the cost in front of my eyes, I can easily adjust things to stay in budget.

  4. Brilliant post! I need to make a list like this, I love the £1 in a jar each day, might have to steal that idea would help towards my New York pot 🙂 Thank you for linking up again to #ThriftyThursday

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