As it’s Children’s Book Week, and as we do like our books here, I thought it would be fun to share our current favourites (note I do say ‘current’ – these can change on a month-by-month basis!)
I asked Boo to choose her 10 favourite books. She’s just four, so this in itself was no easy task. We started with a pile of pretty much every book she owns, because she ‘loves them all’! We managed to cut it down to 10 by a process of elimination – ‘do you prefer this one, or this one?’ type questions were the only way to go here. Anyway, we got there in the end, and so here they are, in no particular order, as chosen by my gorgeous girl, with her words as to why…
The Gruffalo by Julia Donaldson – ‘I love the Gruffalo and the mouse with his nut’
Stormy Weather by Debi Gliori – ‘I like all of the creatures and the gingerbread man and his baby’
Stick Man by Julia Donaldson – ‘I like the stick moving around, him getting back home, and Santa’
Tabby McTat by Julia Donaldson – ‘I like the cat and the baby cat’
Lettice – The Fairy Ball by Mandy Stanley – ‘I love the fairies and Lettice’s pretty dress’
What the Ladybird Heard by Julia Donaldson – ‘I like the ladybird and the ‘Hog’ pig’
Mad About Minibeasts by Giles Andreae – ‘I like the caterpillar and the ladybird the best’
Zog by Julia Donaldson – ‘I like it when he gets a star’
Superworm by Julia Donaldson – ‘I like the frog and Superworm, and when he’s a skipping rope and a hat’
And finally, we have this delight..
The Dinosaur that Pooped a Planet by Tom Fletcher & Dougie Pointer
She says – ‘he he! The dinosaur poops everywhere’. She adores The Dinosaur that Pooped Christmas’ that my sister-in-law bought her for Christmas, so Auntie has thoughtfully and lovingly bought her the Mcfly writers’ latest offering for her birthday, and yes, it’s also a huge hit. As with the first, he over-eats, feels remorse, and so needs to poop to put it all right again. He even poops out a little space-cat on the final page, folks – literary genius!
Now, as Little Man is only 1, it was a struggle to get him to articulate what his favourites are, but I’ve a very good idea from his reactions to them, so here they are..
And I’d say that Postman Bear is his absolutely top choice, and it has meant that one of his earliest words is ‘Bear’ – very sweet 🙂
You’ll notice a fair few Julia Donaldson books there – we are fans! We visited her latest exhibition this week, too, which you can read about here.
Hope you enjoyed reading. Which reads are the favourites in your house?
It’s terrific they’re liking books. If I ever had kids I’d have made sure of that as well !! My favourite as a youngster was Enid Blyton’s Magic Faraway Tree. Do get a copy and keep it handy for the future !!
They love their books! And you’ll be pleased to know that I still have my childhood copy of The Magic Faraway Tree ready for them when they’re a little older 🙂
Ohh a fab selection of books! I haven’t seen that one ‘Each Peach Pear Plum’ for years….I used to love it as a child x
Both of mine have enjoyed that one – it’s lovely! Thanks for reading x
Lovely selection of books you have there. I like the look of Postman Bear and The Dinosaur who pooped a planet-I know a little boy who old enjoy both of those and it’s his birthday soon-off to fid them online now, thanks!
Thanks 🙂 Those two are definitely top titles here, so come highly recommended!
Some fab books there. Anything by Julia Donaldson is a massive hit here, we love the Amazing Machines series, Harry and the Dinosaurs and Jack and the Mega Machines books too. But really Monkey just loves books
We’re more in the world of fairies and princesses, but I’ll note those books for Little Man as he grows – thank you x
Pingback: Our Visit to a Julia Donaldson Exhibition
We’ve never read the Gruffalo, I really need to get it!! I love the “That’s not my” series. Zs favourite was always “that’s not my baby” 🙂
Yes, you need that one! My daughter had ‘that’s not my baby’ so he gets to read that one, too 🙂
Fab post – Postman Bear is still a massive hit with our 17 month old!
Thanks. We do love that bear!
I love these too .. my fave never mind joshua is Meg and Mog 🙂
Yes, I used to love Meg & Mog when I was little, too 🙂
Great selection!!! I love Zog xx
Oh, I do love Zog 🙂
An absolutely fabulous selection of books – particularly love Tabby McTatt and Stick Man! My absolute favourite is the Snail and the Whale and I managed to convince Grace to let me read it to her this evening! Thank you for linking to PoCoLo x
Thank you. Oh, I do like Snail and the Whale – glad Grace let you read that to her! Think I’ll be reading that to Boo today now 🙂 Thanks for hosting x
Oh those are great lists. So many of them were favourites of my kids too. I didn’t know about the Dinosaur that Pooped a Planet which I now have to check out!
No, not sure that one’s made the kids classics lists yet! My daughter does love it, though 🙂
I love Meg and Mog books.
Me, too. Take me right back 🙂
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My eldest loved ‘The Tickle Book’ when he was little and it is now a firm favourite for his little brother. Julia Donaldson books are always a hit. I think that goes without saying.
We love Lynley Dodd stories with ‘Slinky Malinki’ being our number one.
Who could not have ‘Winnie The Witch’ in their top ten as well. Valerie Thomas has a lively writing style which really engages young readers and the illustrations by Korky Paul are absolutely fantastic.
My eldest loves all J.R.R Tolkien books with ‘The Hobbit’ being his current favourite. He is reading ‘The Hunger Games’ by Suzanne Collins at the moment and is hooked.
We love books and could happily share more of our favourites but I fear we would be here all day!
We pop our bedtime story on our blog each night – I imagine we are often reading exactly the same thing to our children!
You probably are! Lovely list you’ve shared there, thank you. I’m looking forward to the children discovering many of the books you’ve mentioned as they get older.